Be ​Here Now 3 csillagozás

Ram Dass: Be Here Now Ram Dass: Be Here Now

Be Here Now is the book that opened a whole generation of Westerners to the teachings of the East. Ram Dass detailed his personal journey from Harvard professor Richard Alpert to becoming a devotee of Neem Caroli Baba as Ram Dass. Along the way he took a lot of acid and drew a lot of pictures. Much of the the book is filled with very cool psychedelic art and much is filled with recipes for getting straight and leading a sacred life. Chapters include discussion of the the guru teacher relationship, use of asana, pranayam and mantra. Sexual energy and right livelihood are discussed and much much more. It is a great manual for bringing spirituality into everyday life.

416 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9780517543054 · ASIN: 0517543052

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Ram Dass: Be Here Now

hat oszinten, nem merem allitani, hogy a konyvnek akar csak az alapjat sikerult megertenem, ami a beszukult nyugati racionalis elmemmel eleg varhato is volt – viszont olvasni dobbenetesen kiraly volt, mondjuk kell is hozza egy elmeallapot, ez nem az a komyv, amit a retaon olvasol.

mindenkeppen tobbszor elolvasos, gondolkozos, mindig egy picit tobbszor megertos konyv. majd LSD-n elolvasom meg egyszer, ugy valoszinuleg jobban fogom erteni

Népszerű idézetek


We're talking about a metamorphosis
we're talking about going from a caterpillar to butterfly
we're talking about how to become a butterfly.


I think the message is that you don’t need to go to anywhere else to find what you are seeking.


To him who has had the experience no explanation is necessary, to him who has not, none is possible.


When your center is firm, when your faith is strong and unwavering, then it will not matter what company you keep.


A woman once came to Mahatma Gandhi with her little boy. She asked, “Mahatma-ji, tell my little boy to stop eating sugar.” “Come back in three days,” said Gandhi. In three days the woman and the little boy returned and Mahatma Gandhi said to the little boy, “Stop eating sugar.” The woman asked, “Why was it necessary for us to return only after three days for you to tell my little boy that?” The Mahatma replied: “Three days ago I had not stopped eating sugar.”


If you think you're free, there's no escape possible.


Early in the journey you wonder how long the journey will take and whether you will make it in this lifetime. Later you will see that where you are going is HERE and you will arrive NOW… so you stop asking.

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