Alone ​With You in the Ether 8 csillagozás

Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether

CHICAGO, SOMETIME—Two people meet in the armory of the Art Institute by chance. Prior to their encounter, he is a doctoral student who manages his destructive thoughts with compulsive calculations about time travel; she is a bipolar counterfeit artist undergoing court-ordered psychotherapy. After their meeting, those things do not change. Everything else, however, is slightly different. Both obsessive, eccentric personalities, Aldo Damiani and Charlotte Regan struggle to be without each other from the moment they meet. The truth—that he is a clinically depressed, anti-social theoretician and she is a manipulative liar with a history of self-sabotage—means the deeper they fall in love, the more troubling their reliance on each other becomes. An intimate study of time and space, ALONE WITH YOU IN THE ETHER is a fantasy writer's magicless glimpse into the nature of love, what it means to be unwell, and how to face the fractures of yourself and still love as if you're not broken.

Pan Macmillan, London, 2023
288 oldal · keménytáblás
Tor Books, New York, 2023
352 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9781035012923
Pan Macmillan, London, 2022
256 oldal · keménytáblás · ISBN: 2928377105136

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Kiemelt értékelések

Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether

Végül ez egy négy és fél lett, de inkább 4.75.
Volt bennem némi megbánás, hogy fizikai példány, és nem emelgethettem ki idézeteket, mintha ekönyvben olvastam volna, de hát Blake tud írni, na. Sokszor éreztem mégis úgy, hogy ismétli magát, és ezért nem tudtam tisztán megadni neki az öt csillagot.
Regan és Aldo története nem példa nélküli, és jó, hogy az utószóban tisztázva van, hogy a szerelem nem egy mágikus csodaszer, de segíteni, egy másik útra terelni, azt tud. Szerettem a két főszereplőt, csíptem Regan nővérét és Aldo apját, de Marc és Regan szülei ki tudtak volna kergetni a világból. Utóbbiak pont az a szülőtípus, akik a saját értéküket a gyerekeikben mérik, és sokszor legszívesebben rájuk kiabáltam volna, hogy hahó, ti vagytok itt a toxikus elem!
Jaj, nagyon szeretem az írónőt, de sajnos a Masters of Death által okozott élményhez ez is csak közelített, de fel nem ért.

Olivie Blake: Alone With You in the Ether

E könyv olvasása közben jöttem rá, hogy én mennyire szeretem a karakter-vezetett történetek.
Ahogyan meg lett írva az egész story, végig tanulmányozhattam és egyre inkább megérthettem szereplőket, akik igen egyediek és „nehéz esetek voltak”.
Aki szereti a karakterekből felépített történeteket annak nagyon ajánlom, aki nem annak viszont jelzem, hogy maga a cselekmény kb semmi, ez a könyv tényleg az önfelfedezésről, gyógyulásról, felismerésekről, és hát a szerelemről szól. Nekem pontosan ezért tetszett, nem véletlen Olivie Blake az egyik kedvenc szerzőm :))

Népszerű idézetek


„So you'd rather have knowledge than happiness?”
He thought about it. „yes,” he concluded, and then hesitated. „Sometimes,” he began slowly, „doesn't happiness seeem… fake? Like it might be something someone invented. An impossible goal we'll never reach,” he clarified, „just to keep us all quiet.”

Part two, conversations


Once upon a time.
Time to begin.
Time and time again.
Time after time.
Time is a function of lies, a trick of the light, a mistranslation.

Part three, keys

kirimatou >!

There would be times, particularly at first , when Regan would attempt to identify the moment things had set themselves on a path to inevitable collision.

(első mondat)


Because for once, in a moment that was either everything or nothing, there would be someone else in Regan's universe, and from there everything would be as it was, only very slightly different.

8. oldal


Hexagons. Quantum groups. Symmetry. Nature loved balance, especially symmetry, but rarely managed it. How often did nature create perfection? Almost never. Math was different. Math had rules, finite and concrete, but then it just kept going. The problem and the thrill of abstract algebra was that Aldo had been studying it in depth for over seven years, and he could study it for seven million more and still understanding almost nothing. He could spend infinite lifetimes studying the mathematical basis of the universe and the universe would still not make sense. In two weeks it might snow, might rain sideways, and then this park would not be available to him. He could get arrested for not-smoking or die at any moment, and then he'd have to do this thinking in jail or not at all, and the universe remain unsolved. His work would never be done, and that alone was tragic, exhilarating, perfect.

11-12. oldal


„Good, good. Rinaldo?”
„You are brilliant. Tell your mind to be kind to you today.”

15. oldal


REGAN reached for the bottle of pills and says nothing. She wonders how long it will be until she feels something again.

21. oldal


„Jackson Pollock was highly influanced by Navajo sand painting.” Regan said, her own gaze still affixed to the painting. „With sand,” she explained, „the process is just as important as the finished profuct; in fact, more so. Sand can blow away at any moment. It can disappear in a matter of hours, minutes, seconds, so the process is about the moment of catharsis. The reverence is in making art – in being part of its creation, but then leaving it open to destruction. What Native Americans did with sand, Jackson Pollock did with paint, which is perhaps an empty rendition of it. In fact, he never openly admitted to adopting their techniques – which makes sense, as it's far closer to appropriation than it is to an homage. But could you do it?”

25. oldal


Look how warped the Medieval works are, she wanted to say, because there's no perspective; because once upon a time, men looked at the world, took in all its beauty, and still only saw it flat.
No much has changed, Regan thought to assure the girl. They see you closer than you are, but you're further from reach than either you or they can imagine.

27. oldal


Aldo exhaled the taste of burning, the film of it coating his tongue, and then put out the smoldering end of the joint. He had as much buzz as he needed, and sleep felt pointless for the night.
Aldo dislike the sensation of being asleep. It felt something very close to being dead, which was an uncomplicated and therefore troubling state of being.

29. oldal

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