Questions ​of Life 1 csillagozás

Nicky Gumbel: Questions of Life

What is the point of life?
What happens when we die?
Is forgiveness possible?

More than 23 million people around the world have now attended Alpha, the Christian introductoty course pioneered by Nicky Gumbel.

In this international bestseller based on Alpha, Nicky Gumbel addresses some of the big issues that challenge us all.

Packed with humour, anecdotes, wisdom and profound teaching from the Bible, Gumbel introduces the person of Jesus Christ and invites the reader into a world of discovery that has fascinated human beings for two thousand years.

Eredeti megjelenés éve: 1993

Alpha, 2010
256 oldal · ISBN: 9781905887835

Enciklopédia 11

Szereplők népszerűség szerint

Abraham Lincoln

Várólistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Nicky Gumbel: Questions of Life

Egy évvel ezelőtt meghívtak egy Alpha kurzusra. Nem voltam benne biztos, hogy kell ez nekem, mert addig, ha olyan helyre keveredtem, ahol vallásról volt szó, mindig az lett a vége, hogy komplett idiótának éreztem magam. Vagy a többieket. Szóval, attól tartottam, hogy kínos lesz az egész, de azért elmentem, leginkább azok miatt, akik hívtak. És leesett az állam, amikor rádöbbentem, hogy nem baj az, ha az embernek kérdései, kétségei, netán saját gondolatai vannak. A kép, ami a kereszténységről élt a fejemben, már azelőtt is ingott az ittenieknek köszönhetően, az Alphán meg fogta magát, és felborult.

Mivel a kurzuson is részt vettem, az előadások/fejezetek egy része nem volt újdonság, viszont pár alkalmat ki kellett hagynom, és a többit sem volt rossz újraolvasni. Nagyon ajánlom mindenkinek, aki kíváncsi egy nem középkori nézőpontra, vagy csak szeretne valami könnyen emészthetőt olvasni arról, hogy hogyan is működik ez a kereszténység dolog ebben az évezredben.

Népszerű idézetek


Temptation is not the same thing as sin.

159. oldal, How Can I Resist Evil? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: bűn · kísértés
3 hozzászólás

Alice Cooper, the veteran rock musician, once gave an interview to The Sunday Times headlined: 'Alice Cooper has a dark secret – the 53-year-old rocker is a Christian.' In this interview, he describes his conversion to Christianity. 'It hasn't been easy combining religion and rock. It's the most rebellious thing I've ever done. Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's real rebellion.'

20. oldal, Is There More to Life Than This? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Alice Cooper · kereszténység · The Sunday Times

Jesus never promised anyone an easy life, but he promised fullness of life (John 10:10).

20. oldal, Is There More to Life than This? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Jézus Krisztus

God does not want us to repeat meaningless words or religious jargon; he wants us to be honest with him and to say what is on our hearts.

73. oldal, Why and How Do I Pray? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: ima · Isten

I had come across Christians during the year that I had taken off between school and university and I was deeply suspicios of them, in particular their tendency to smile so much.

21. oldal, Who Is Jesus? (Alpha International, 2010)


Yet it was not just his miracles that made his work so impressive. It was his love, especially for the loveless (such as lepers and prostitutes), which seemed to motivate all that he did.

32. oldal, Who Is Jesus? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Jézus Krisztus

I sometimes think that the chief work of the devil is to give people a false view of God. The Hebrew word for 'Satan' means 'slanderer'. He slanders God, telling us that he is not to be trusted. He tells us God is a spoilsport and that he wants to ruin our lives. Often we believe these lies. We think that if we trust our Father in heaven with our lives he will take away all our enjoyment in life. Imagine a human parent like that. Suppose one of my sons were to come to me and say, 'Daddy, I want to give you my day to spend it however you want.' Of course, I would not say, 'Right, that is what I have been waiting for. You can spend the day locked in the cupboard!'

221. oldal, How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Isten · sátán

An article in The Times was subheaded 'Forget the modern British novelists and TV tie-ins; the Bible is the biggest selling book every year.' The writer remarked:

As usual the top seller by several miles was the… Bible. If cumulative sales of the Bible were frankly reflected in bestseller lists, it would be a rare week when anything else would achieve a look in. It is wonderful, weird, or just plain buffling in this increasingly godless age – when the range of books available grows wider with each passing year – that this one book should go on selling hand over fist, month in, month out… It is estimated that nearly 1.25 million Bibles and Testaments are sold in the UK every year.

The writer ends by saying, ' All versions of the Bible sell well all the time. I asked the Bible Society for an explanation.
„Well,” I was told disarmingly, "it is such a good book."'

80. oldal, Why and How Should I Read the Bible? (Alpha International, 2010)


Prayer is a two-way conversation. Suppose I go to the doctor and say: 'Doctor, I have a number of problems: I have fungus growing under my toenails, my eyes itch, I need a flu jab, I have very bad headaches and I have tennis elbow.' Then, having got through my list of complaints, I look at my watch and say, 'Goodness me, time is getting on. Well, I must be off. Thanks very much for listening.' The doctor might want to say, 'Hang on a second. Do you not want to hear what I have to say?' If, whenever we pray, we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake.

99-100. oldal, How Does God Guide us? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: ima

When we become Christians, we are not called to abandon common sense.

102. oldal, How Does God Guide us? (Alpha International, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: kereszténység

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