Brotherhood 3 csillagozás

Mike Chen: Brotherhood

Obi-Wan ​Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker must stem the tide of the raging Clone Wars and forge a new bond as Jedi Knights.

The Clone Wars have begun. Battle lines are being drawn throughout the galaxy. With every world that joins the Separatists, the peace guarded by the Jedi Order is slipping through their fingers.

After an explosion devastates Cato Neimoidia, the jewel of the Trade Federation, the Republic is blamed and the fragile neutrality of the planet is threatened. The Jedi dispatch Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the Order’s most gifted diplomatic minds, to investigate the crime and maintain the balance that has begun to dangerously shift. As Obi-Wan investigates with the help of a heroic Neimoidian guard, he finds himself working against the Separatists who hope to draw the planet into their conspiracy–and senses the sinister hand of Asajj Ventress in the mists that cloak the planet.

Amid the brewing chaos, Anakin Skywalker rises to the rank of Jedi Knight.… (tovább)

Del Rey, New York, 2022
336 oldal · keménytáblás · ISBN: 9780593358573
Del Rey, New York, 2022
332 oldal · keménytáblás · ISBN: 9781529150209
Del Rey, New York, 2022
332 oldal · ISBN: 9780593358580

Enciklopédia 3

Szereplők népszerűség szerint

Obi-Wan Kenobi · Anakin Skywalker

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Kiemelt értékelések

Serenity87 P>!
Mike Chen: Brotherhood

Régóta tervezem Star Wars könyvek olvasását, most egy kihívás miatt került ez sorra, de örülök, hogy így alakult, mert nagyon tetszett és meg is hozta a kedvet a folytatáshoz. A karakterek nagyon jól hozták a filmekben a színészek által már felépített személyiségüket, ez nagyban hozzáadott az élményhez.

A történet kb. egy küldetést dolgoz fel, ami említés szintjén jelent meg az egyik filmben. Anakint a könyv elején kinevezik Jedi lovaggá, így útjaik elválnak Obi-Wannal, akinek nyomozó/diplomata szerepkörben kell egy terrorista támadást elszenvedő bolygóra mennie. Mivel mindkettejük nézőpontját követhetjük, belátást nyerhetünk abba, hogyan változik meg kettejük dinamikája a mester és tanítvány szerepkörből való kilépés után, hogyan alakul szép lassan barátsággá. Rajtuk kívül még pár nézőpont jelenik meg a könyv során, ebből az egyik egy nagyon aranyos Zabrak Jedi növendék, kettő pedig a bolygó lakosai közül való, akiken keresztül jóval többet megtudhatunk ennek a világnak a politikai és kulturális berendezkedéséről, illetve a helyi lakosok a mostani konfliktussal kapcsolatos érzéseiről. Star Wars történethez méltóan így kapunk némi politikát, különböző érzelmi válságokkal küzdő főhősöket, pár akciójelenetet, és egy érdekes nyomozást.

Nagyon szórakoztató volt, jó szívvel ajánlom Star Wars rajongóknak!

Népszerű idézetek

Serenity87 P>!

Anakin was more of the „impossible deeds with a lightsaber at high altitudes and long jumps” type of Jedi Knight.

226. oldal, 38. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Anakin Skywalker
Serenity87 P>!

But I believe justice finds a way. It has to. Otherwise, why are we even here? We choose to do right, even in the face of so much wrong. Because there is no other way.

153. oldal, 25. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Obi-Wan Kenobi

He continued watching Anakin, who took a moment to gather himself before stopping to talk with Jaro Tapal and the red-haired youngling who trailed him.

Chapter 3 - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Cal Kestis
Serenity87 P>!

The convoy away, Anakin removed the glove and tried to blow some of the grit out of his knuckles. „See,” he said to no one in particular, „no one believes me but it gets everywhere.”

136. oldal, 23. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Anakin Skywalker
Serenity87 P>!

The console beeped again, an incoming transmission that Anakin didn't dare answer. He reached over to mute it, and as he did, he noticed some of Langston's blue sand was still stuck in the straps of his glove.
Sand. It got everywhere.

198. oldal, 33. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Anakin Skywalker

For several weeks, it was all they talked about: what color kyber crystal they wanted, what type of handle or emitter they wanted to use, or how Professor Huyang was so old that the ancient droid supposedly arrived at the Jedi Temple in a big blue box thousands of years ago before ever teaching lightsaber construction.

Chapter 8 - Mill Alibeth

1 hozzászólás

The last few days only reinforced Anakin’s overwhelming willingness to simply care. That caring someday might make the difference between life and death, a right decision and a wrong decision stemming from a mere blink of emotion. Earlier that day, the situation with Ketar would have been vastly different in a manner of seconds.
In war, seconds might define the fate of the galaxy.

Chapter 47 - Obi-Wan Kenobi


“I know you feel like you don’t fit in. I feel that way, too. A questioning,” he said, and though he didn’t want to mention Ventress, he considered her very words in the tunnel. “But you can turn that into something stronger. Your empathy, your abilities. They set you apart. You deserve to be a Jedi. You’ve connected with the Force. You’ve learned to control it.” Anakin thought back to a quiet moment with Qui-Gon, something hidden from everyone else, possibly even Obi-Wan, on the passage to Naboo. He repeated the fallen Jedi Knight’s words now, in a position where they’d never felt so true. “It will be a hard life. But in the end, you will find out who you are.”

Chapter 50 - Anakin Skywalker

1 hozzászólás

Mill turned around, then began to walk back.
Her movement caught both men’s attention, and without any further word, she took Anakin’s hands again and looked at the deep-blue eyes that suddenly reflected everything she’d witnessed through the Force. “There’s something I want you to know.”
“What’s that?”
Master Nema explained Mill’s gift as a connection to the way emotions pushed and pulled at the Force. And now she saw into his very essence—a smoldering furnace of a heart, a passion so furious that the intensity of his feelings might be the very thing to incinerate himself into his worst nightmare: a cold, withered dragon’s final grasp for control, its brilliant home burned away into a lifeless lump of minerals.
The life of a Jedi, in all of the Order’s forms, meant a life of sacrifice. But not to the point of self-destruction.
He could choose differently. If someone just gave him permission.
If Mill never crossed paths with Anakin Skywalker again, she hoped that she might offer a single truth, a drop in the ocean that might ripple out with unseen possibilities. “You don’t always have to be the sun-dragon.”
All around them, clones moved quickly, sometimes sprinting to a transport. Droids pulled supplies and weapons on repulsorlifts. Jedi Knights and Padawans walked in pairs, talking and pointing. Ships lifted and zoomed out, or stumbled inside, damaged wings or tails or thrusters bringing them to a shaky return home.
In between all of that, Anakin’s face froze. Mill blocked it all out, even Obi-Wan’s reaction, whatever it was, and focused only on Anakin as he slowly closed his eyes, silent.
She let go of his hands and walked toward her future with Master Nema.

Chapter 53 - Mill Alibeth

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