Mike Ashley (szerk.)

The ​Feminine Future 1 csillagozás

Early Science Fiction by Women Writers
Mike Ashley (szerk.): The Feminine Future

Vigyázat! Cselekményleírást tartalmaz.

„In ​addition to drawing attention to these overlooked female sci-fi authors, The Feminine Future is valuable for the perspective it provides on a period of transition for the genre.” — Los Angeles Review of Books
Featuring hard-to-find short stories published between 1873 and 1930, this original anthology spotlights a variety of important sci-fi pioneers, including Ethel Watts Mumford, Edith Nesbit, and Clare Winger Harris. Imaginative scenarios include a feminist society in another dimension, the east/west division of the United States with men and women on opposite sides, a man who converts himself into a cyborg, a drug that confers superhuman qualities, and many other curious situations.
Editor Mike Ashley provides an informative introduction to the stories. Highlights include „When Time Turned” (1901), which centers on a grieving widower who contrives to relive his life backwards; „The Painter of Dead Women” (1910), the tale of a woman in thrall to a Svengali-like… (tovább)

A művek szerzői: Harriet Prescott Spofford, Edith Nesbit


Dover, New York, 2015
240 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9780486790237
Dover, New York, 2015
240 oldal · ISBN: 9780486803401

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Kiemelt értékelések

Timár_Krisztina I>!
Mike Ashley (szerk.): The Feminine Future

Mike Ashley (szerk.): The Feminine Future Early Science Fiction by Women Writers

Jó, hogy van ez a könyv. Hogy létezik ez a fanatikus Mike Ashley, aki képes volt nyolcvan, száz, sőt százötven éves, poros, szamárfüles folyóiratokból kibányászni, szerkeszteni, korrektúrázni, nyomdán keresztülhajtani ezt a tizennégy ódon ritkaságot, és még arra is vigyázott, hogy változatos legyen a kép, valamint ne a legnyomasztóbbat tegye a legvégére.

Ehhez képest eltörpül a szomorú tény, hogy a címlap ugyan még elmegy (legalábbis nekem bármit el lehet adni a kéknek ezzel az árnyalatával, annyira szeretem), de a cím igencsak hatásvadászra sikeredett, és ahogy haladtam előre az olvasással, egyre hamisabban csengett. Eladni eladja a kötetet, csak nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy annak, akinek kéne. Én mindenhogy megvettem volna, félreértés ne essék.

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Dover, New York, 2015
240 oldal · ISBN: 9780486803401
4 hozzászólás

Népszerű idézetek

Timár_Krisztina I>!

He was an old man, too, and his heavy hair was white. His brows, however, were black and youthful, and from beneath looked out blue eyes. The eyes were the color of light when it shines through ice. […] there seemed to be no limit to their depth. However far you looked within, you could not find a person. You could not surprise a consciousness. There was no soul there. In its stead there was merely a keen and destructive intelligence.
As I looked, his pupils disappeared, and his eyes became two pools of blue and blazing light.

Edna W. Underwood: The Painter of Dead Women

Mike Ashley (szerk.): The Feminine Future Early Science Fiction by Women Writers

Timár_Krisztina I>!

I haven't the slightest doubt the French saw Angels at Mons. I haven't the slightest doubt a fellow blown out of a trench into the next world meets so many of the other fellows that were blown there before him that it gives him that look – I've seen it over and over – of surprise, wonder – oh, and beauty, too, a most awful kind of beauty. Whatever they saw when they went from the trenches to – wherever it is – they were mighty well pleased to be there, and satisfied that the other fellows could get along without them.

Alice Brown: The Flying Teuton

Mike Ashley (szerk.): The Feminine Future Early Science Fiction by Women Writers

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