The ​Return of the Discontinued Man (Burton & Swinburne 5.) 1 csillagozás

Mark Hodder: The Return of the Discontinued Man

Vigyázat! Cselekményleírást tartalmaz.


It's 9 p.m. on February 15, 1860, and Charles Babbage, the British Empire's most brilliant scientist, performs an experiment. Within moments, blood red snow falls from the sky and Spring Heeled Jack pops out of thin air in London's Leicester Square. Though utterly disoriented and apparently insane, the strange creature is intent on one thing: hunting Sir Richard Francis Burton!
Spring Heeled Jack isn't alone in his mental confusion. Burton can hardly function; he's experiencing one hallucination after another-visions of parallel realities and future history. Someone, or something, is trying to tell him about…what?
When the revelation comes, it sends Burton and his companions on an expedition even the great explorer could never have imagined-a voyage through time itself into a twisted future where steam technology has made a resurgence and a despotic intelligence rules over the British Empire!

Pyr, 2014
368 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9781616149055

Enciklopédia 6

Szereplők népszerűség szerint

H. G. Wells · Sir Richard Francis Burton · Algernon Charles Swinburne · Mick Farren

Kívánságlistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Noro P>!
Mark Hodder: The Return of the Discontinued Man

Hányszor kell megölni egy időutazót, hogy később biztosan ne láthassuk viszont élve?

(Hagyok egy kis időt, hogy ezt mindenki átgondolja :)

A Burton & Swinburne sorozat ötödik részében újra felbukkan Spring-heeled Jack, a hibbant időutas, aki az első kötetben elindította a steampunk forradalmat, és azóta létrehozott legalább három alternatív idővonalat. A nagy Afrika-kutatónak most már a jövőbe utazás titkát kell megfejtenie, ha véget akar vetni a zűrzavarnak. A történet ezen a ponton körülbelül annyira egyszerű, mint a Doctor Who kontinuitása :D A szerző élvezettel lubickol a paradoxonokban és alternatívákban, és pont annyira geek, hogy felvillantson néhány klasszikus időgépes klisét, de vissza ne éljen velük. Jól elkapja a jövősokkot, és azt is bemutatja, hogyan csúszhat félre egy kultúra fejlődése néhány bizarr véletlennek köszönhetően.
A sorozat e pontján (5. rész! – nem sok olyan van, amiben eddig eljutok :) többet nem nagyon érdemes mondanom. Legyen elég annyi, hogy Mark Hodder Félix J. Palma alteregója egy könnyedebb, akciódúsabb univerzumból.

Népszerű idézetek

Noro P>!

Finally, Burton couldn’t hold his curiosity at bay any longer and had to ask, “Algy, what are spider sweeps?”
“Children who’ve been genetically adapted for the purpose of keeping pipes such as this clean,” Swinburne answered.
“Children,” Burton murmured. “Good.”
“Good at their job, yes,” the poet agreed, “on account of the venom they spray to dissolve whatever dirt their coat of razor-sharp spines can’t scrape off.”
Burton’s mouth went dry. “Nevertheless, they’re just children.”
“Oh yes. There’s none above the age of ten.”
“Because the younger ones eat the elders.”

Chapter 18 - Her Majesty Queen Victoria

3 hozzászólás
Noro P>!

“Rock music,” Farren revealed. “This band is called The Doors.”
“How is it different to pop?” Burton asked.
Farren thought for a moment. “I guess rock music is less about commerce and more about cutting through the surface of civilisation to find an authenticity within each of us.”

Chapter 11 - The Squares, Cats and Deviants of 1968

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Mick Farren · rock
Noro P>!

Burton turned up his collar and looked at the darkening sky. “These short winter days make me long for Africa, Algy. Do you think this horrible climate is responsible for the British imperative for expansion? Is our empire built upon drizzle and chill?”

Chapter 6 - The Second Experiment

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Sir Richard Francis Burton
Noro P>!

"I place all my hopes in Darwin. His wonderful insight can teach a far greater satisfaction and reassurance than blind faith can offer—a simple pleasure gained from the sheer exuberance and tenacity of existence. The human species should revel in a permanent state of delighted astonishment at this world, but instead we allow ourselves to be yoked to a tiresome and unyielding fear of it.”

Chapter 4 - Recurrences

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Charles Darwin
Noro P>!

“So now the world had three superpowers: the A.S.E., the U.S.A., and the U.R.E.”
“My hat! What a badly curtailed vocabulary you have.”
“Yeah. Maybe the abbreviations reflect our politicians’ tiny minds."

Chapter 11 - The Squares, Cats and Deviants of 1968

Noro P>!

“Perhaps Charles Darwin was too optimistic. Perhaps this world is different from ours only in that it’s cloaked in a more pervasive illusion. The only thing that’s evolved is our ability to fool ourselves.”

Chapter 15 - The Truth of 2130 Revealed

Noro P>!

“What a strange insanity,” Swinburne mused as they started down, “to create a future from a jumbled, misunderstood vision of the past.”
“Isn’t that what we all do?” Burton asked.

Chapter 21 - Bodies

A sorozat következő kötete

Burton & Swinburne sorozat · Összehasonlítás

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