The ​Master (The Game Maker 2.) 5 csillagozás

Kresley Cole: The Master Kresley Cole: The Master

A ​need colder than Siberian winter meets an attitude hotter than the Florida sun in #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole’s sultry new Game Maker novel.

Everyone fears the Master…

Rich, irresistible politician/Mafya boss Maksimilian Sevastyan prefers tall, obedient blondes to fulfill his… complicated desires. That is, until the icy Russian encounters a disobedient brunette whose exquisite little body threatens his legendary restraint.

Except her.

Catarina Marín was a well-off young wife until her world fell apart. Now she’s hiding out, forced to start working as an escort in Miami. Her very first client is beyond gorgeous, but when he tells her what he plans to do to her, Cat almost walks out of the door.

If pleasure is a game, play to win.

After their mind-blowing encounter burns out of control, the lovers crave more. If they escape the deadly threats surrounding them, can Maksim overcome his past—to offer Cat his… (tovább)

Eredeti megjelenés éve: 2015

Gallery Books, New York, 2015
448 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 1451650078
Gallery Books, New York, 2015
418 oldal · ASIN: B00L01GJBW
Simon & Schuster, New York, 2015
ASIN: B00RM1S9Y4 · Felolvasta: Kimberly Alexis

1 további kiadás

Enciklopédia 1

Szereplők népszerűség szerint

Maksimilian Sevastyan

Kedvencelte 1

Most olvassa 1

Várólistára tette 3

Kívánságlistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Naiva P>!
Kresley Cole: The Master

Wow! Ez elképesztően jó volt. Nem hittem volna, de sokkal jobb volt, mint az előző kötet. Maxim, az érzéketlen, milliárdos spoiler egészen addig előnyben részesítette a szőkéket 1-1 alkalom erejéig, amíg bele nem fut egy éles nyelvű, temperamentumos, kubai barna hallgatólányba. A történet innentől könnyen megjósolható, de annyira szórakoztató, magával ragadó és olyan jó az írásmód, hogy alig lehet letenni. Maxim és Cat hihetetlenül jó páros. A kémia úgy szikrázik közöttük, hogy még az olvasó is felforrósodott. Az orosz-spanyol párbeszédeknél konkrétan fogtam a hasamat a nevetéstől. Mind a két karakternek megvolt a maga mélysége. Maximnak jót tett a lány jelenléte. Végre valaki visszahozta az életkedvét, Cat-nek pedig végre valaki elnyerte a bizalmát. Kíváncsian várom Dimitri történetét.

3 hozzászólás
Nüx_Játékterme IP>!
Kresley Cole: The Master

Amennyire utólag azt mondom, hogy tetszett a könyv, annyira akartam a fele környékén letenni. Weird.
Mondhatnám, hogy nekem elég irreálisnak tűnt az okos, kedves főiskolás lány eszkorthölgynek való állása, de attól tartok, hogy nagyon sokan ennél sokkal többet is bevállalnak a kiút reményében. :(
Azt hittem, Aleksandr után Maksim csak olyan másodhegedűs pasi lesz ebben a sorozatban, de wow. Nagyon bejött. Jó, annyira nem, mint Aleks. Na de mégis, amikor az esküvő előtti vacsin tósztot mondott, na akkor én is ott sóhajtoztam a vendégek között.
Dmitriről Cole éppen csak annyit oszt meg, hogy biztos legyen benne, hogy az olvasó már ALIG VÁRJA a következő könyvet. Ajjaj, még nagyon messzinek tűnik. Talán jövőre…

Népszerű idézetek

Naiva P>!

“Sure. Say cállate la boca.”
He repeated the phrase. “What does that mean?”
“Shut up.”
“You’re teaching me how to tell you to shut up?”
“Por Dios, no. You must understand when I tell you that.”

2 hozzászólás
Naiva P>!

Mi madre must be turning over in her grave right now.

(első mondat)

Naiva P>!

I see you, hear you, smell you, feel you. You should be haunted by men.

Naiva P>!

I didn’t shop. I committed retaliatory consumerism.

Naiva P>!

You aren’t done with me yet?” He pinned my gaze with his own. With a surprisingly smooth accent, he told me, “Nunca voy a terminar contigo.” I’ll never be done with you.

Naiva P>!

The Russian had booked Ivanna, but she’d had a reaction to Botox (she was only thirty!). She’d thought she’d be okay by tonight, so she hadn’t called to cancel. A big no-no for escorts.

repe993 P>!

“Though our mother started Aleksandr on the path to becoming an honorable and respected man, it was Kovalev who guided him the rest of the way. Kovalev was a gentleman of the old order who believed in the code: respect those who earn it, assist those who need it, and protect to the death all you hold dear. In his lifetime, he did all of these things.”

284. oldal

repe993 P>!

Shaking with fury to match his own, I took off my string of pearls and threw it at Sevastyan. “You don’t want me more than you want your old ways. You aren’t ready to cast them aside for me. So I’ve got no time for you. I’m leaving, and this time you won’t stop me.”
In a bored tone, he said, “Enough with the theatrics. You won’t leave.”
“Oh, I won’t?” I nearly ripped my earlobes to get the earrings out. “You are always so wrong about me. Do you know why? Because you have never given me the benefit of the doubt. Not from the first minute I met you. You always expect the worst of me. ALWAYS.” I threw the earrings and almost flung my purse at him but somehow had the presence of mind to stop myself. I’d need what was left of that pin money to get a cab back to my apartment.
I would use the seven grand in my safe and get out of town, as I’d always planned. After my exam tomorrow, I’d take the first bus heading west. I’d put this man behind me—just as I had my husband. I reached for the door.
My leaving seemed to baffle him. “All you have to do is ask for your gifts. Hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth. No escort would walk away from that.”
As I exited the car, I said, “Watch me, cabrón.”
“Fucking ask me, Katya, and they’ll be yours.” Just like that first night, he kept talking, still engaging me. “Or is your pride going to get in the way?”
I glared at Vasili standing next to the car, then leaned down to tell Sevastyan, “You have no idea about my pride, Russian. It burns so bright, I hope it fucking blinds you.” I slammed the door and strode away. With each step my shoulders went back, my chin up.
Going forward? Rule number seven would be never to fall in love.

342. oldal

Nüx_Játékterme IP>!

To the crowd, Máxim called, „Vyp'em za lyubov'! Let's drink to love.” This time he raised his glass only to me.
[…] My glass shook on the way to my lips.
He sat down nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just made a roomful of people claw out their hearts in tribute to him. Myself included. „How did I do?”
His speech left me speechless.
He curled his fingers, buffing his nails. „I know, baby girl, I'm that good.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Maksimilian Sevastyan

A sorozat következő kötete

The Game Maker sorozat · Összehasonlítás

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T. M. Frazier: King (angol)
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