The ​Masked Truth 3 csillagozás

Kelley Armstrong: The Masked Truth Kelley Armstrong: The Masked Truth

Riley Vasquez is haunted by the brutal murder of the couple she was babysitting for.

Max Cross is suffering under the shadow of a life-altering diagnosis he doesn’t dare reveal.

The last thing either of them wants is to spend a weekend away at a therapy camp alongside five other teens with “issues.” But that’s exactly where they are when three masked men burst in to take the group hostage.

The building has no windows. The exits are sealed shut. Their phones are gone. And their captors are on a killing spree.

Riley and Max know that if they can’t get out, they’ll be next—but they’re about to find out that even escape doesn’t equal freedom.

Eredeti megjelenés éve: 2015

Tagok ajánlása: Hány éves kortól ajánlod?

Doubleday, New York City, USA, 2015
320 oldal · keménytáblás · ISBN: 9780385684750
Atom, 2015
352 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9780349002231

Várólistára tette 4

Kívánságlistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Rémálom P>!
Kelley Armstrong: The Masked Truth

Bár Armstrong azt írja, hogy ez egy teljesen újfajta történet tőle, én mégis azt mondanám, hogy minden megvan benne, amiért őt szeretem és a kedvenc elemeit csempészte a történetbe, kivétel a szerelmi háromszöget.

Igazából amióta olvastam a Darkest Powerst, mindig is eljátszottam a gondolattal, hogy mi lett volna, ha a főszereplőink tényleg mentális betegek, és ez a könyv pont erről szól. Ugyanazt a dinamikát éreztem a karakterek között (nagyjából, főleg a főpáros hasonlít a Derek-Chloe párosra), ugyanolyanok a gonoszok és a már megszokott a tinik az életükért menekülnek és túlélésért kalandoznak és „macgyvereskednek” dolog az egész.

A könyv eleje rettentően pörgős, egyből elkezdődik a túszejtős szituáció, utána pedig a feléig csak az a cél, hogy kiszabaduljanak ebből a helyzetből és onnantól pedig? Tini!krimi nyomozás (amin azért meglepődtem), de kellemesen csalódtam, mert nem volt erőltetett, hogy a rendőrök tehetetlenek és tizenévesek oldják meg a nagy megoldhatatlan rejtélyt.

Népszerű idézetek

Rémálom P>!

“Then you’ll keep running.”
“No, I will not.”
“You have to. That’s the pact I had with Brienne.”
“Too bad. The one you have with me says I’ll stop if you fall, and if I fall, you will not stop.”
“How is that fair?”
“It’s not. That’s life. Blatantly unfair. And that’s our pact.”
“No, if you fall, I’ll stop.”
“Then I’d better not fall. I, however, am not injured. You are. Now stop arguing and get in that room, because I’m not taking another step until I know you’re safe, and if you come out …”
She waits, and then says, “What’ll you do if I come out?”
“An undetermined threat. Always the worst sort. Rather like signing a blank check. Terribly dangerous. Now, stay, Riley.”
“Good girl.”

Rémálom P>!

“What? Do you have a better idea?”
“I do not. I’m simply reflecting on the fact that you are a very remarkable girl, Riley Vasquez.”
“You’re not going to kiss me again, are you?”
“Do you want me to? You can ask, if you do. No need to be shy.”
“If I wanted it, I’m quite capable of initiating it.”
He smiles. “Even better.”
“Focus …”
“Completely focused.”
“On him.” I point at River.
“I don’t want to kiss him. I’m sure he’s a nice bloke—”
“We need to get him in the house.”
“Right.” He shucks his jacket. “I’ll do that.”
“Can you lift him?”
“I’m not thin; I’m wiry. It’s all muscle. Go on inside, prepare the way and ignore any humiliating grunts of exertion you hear from the yard.”

Rémálom P>!

“I suppose this sister is also very pretty.”
“Yes, she’s, like, totally hot. Which is the only reason I helped her escape. If she’d been a complete cow, I’d have left her behind.”
“There’s no need to be shirty, Max.”
“Yes, there is, because your implication is that I only helped her because she’s pretty. Or that I’m only eagerly waiting to see her because she’s pretty. She is pretty. She’s also smart, funny and sweet, and was, a mere hour ago, fighting for her life after being both shot and stabbed. I’m going to see her now, because even if she’s unconscious, she’s still very pretty.” He leans over and whispers, “In fact, to be honest, pretty girls are better that way. No talking required.”

Rémálom P>!

Gray snorts. “Maximus?”
“I prefer Max.”
“I bet you do. What kind of sadists name their kid Maximus?”
“A historian specializing in ancient Rome and a lieutenant-general in the British army. And if you know anything about the salaries of academics and career soldiers, you’ll realize I’m really not worth your time.” Max takes out his wallet and removes three twenties. “I have sixty. Can we call it a night? Things to do and all that. It is the weekend after all.”

Rémálom P>!

“I’m running away,” I whisper.
“Yes,” he says. “As fast as you can.”
“I-I can’t.” I wheel toward the room. “I won’t run again. I won’t hide—”
“Oh, bloody hell. This is not the time, Riley. Really, not the time.”
“But I need to—”
“No, actually, you don’t. You want to stand your ground? Next life-threatening situation, all right? For this one, you’re getting out.”
“I need to help—”
“Help me. I’ll be your designated rescue victim for today. You can’t go back, because if you do, I won’t make it.”
“Of course you—”
“No, I won’t. Now get me out of here.”


That's what I've taken from this. The understanding that there are events and situations that you'll always second-guess, always think you could have done better.

Chapter 37


„In other words, it means whatever we want it to mean. So I say that we are, in our own very special way, right as rain.”

Chapter 37

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