iOS ​Unit Testing by Example 0 csillagozás

XCTest Tips and Techniques Using Swift
Jon Reid: iOS Unit Testing by Example

Fearlessly ​change the design of your iOS code with solid unit tests. Use Xcode’s built-in test framework XCTest and Swift to get rapid feedback on all your code — including legacy code. Learn the tricks and techniques of testing all iOS code, especially view controllers (UIViewControllers), which are critical to iOS apps. Learn to isolate and replace dependencies in legacy code written without tests. Practice safe refactoring that makes these tests possible, and watch all your changes get verified quickly and automatically. Make even the boldest code changes with complete confidence.

Manual code and UI testing get slower the deeper your navigation hierarchy goes. It can take several taps just to reach a particular screen, never mind the actual workflow tests. Automatic unit testing offers such rapid feedback that it can change the rules of development. Bring testing to iOS development, even for legacy code. Use XCTest to write unit tests in Swift for all your… (tovább)

358 oldal · ISBN: 9781680506815

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