Vampire ​Hunter D 1. (Vampire Hunter D 1.) 2 csillagozás

Hideyuki Kikuchi – Saiko Takaki: Vampire Hunter D 1.

The year is 12,090 A.D., and what little is left of humanity has finally crawled out from the ashes of war and destruction. From the darkness of fallout, mutants and a race of vampires known as the Nobility have spawned. They rule the weak with no remorse. Once bitten by a Nobility, one is cursed to become a member of the undead. Villagers cower in fear, hoping and praying for a savior to rid them of their undying nightmare. All they have to battle this danger is a different kind of danger – a Vampire Hunter.

250 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9781569708279

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