The ​Hogben Chronicles 1 csillagozás

Henry Kuttner: The Hogben Chronicles

Henry Kuttner was one of fantasy and science fiction's most accomplished and intelligent voices, as well as one of its least celebrated. His Hogben family stories are among the most original and certainly the funniest works in the genre, and to have them all finally collected in one volume is nothing short of a dream come true for genuine devotees of imaginative literature. Read this at once, and if you've read it already, then read it again. A masterpiece. (Alan Moore)

Borderlands Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 2013
140 oldal

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Kiemelt értékelések

Laura_Arkanian IP>!
Henry Kuttner: The Hogben Chronicles

Ezt a fajta humort nehéz jól csinálni. Talán nincs is olyan, hogy jól, és a Hogben-féle írások még az abszurd humor kedvelői közül is valakinek betalálnak, más csak néz, hogy ez most valami, vagy megy valahová.
Kuttner novellafüzére nem egységes, nem mentes a belső ellentmondásoktól, kérdéses például (a szeretnivalóan naiv narrátor) Saunk vagy Grandpaw életkora, vagy hogy Atlantiszról származnak-e, esetleg ahogy a Perfesser-nek elárulták, a britanniai ónbányák radioaktív háttérsugárzása tehet az egészről, ettől függetlenül alkalmas rá, hogy kellemes rövidzárlatok sorozatával bizsergesse az olvasó agyát.

Tudtommal egyetlen novella jelent meg magyarul, Lewis Padgett írói álnév alatt, „Isten áldja, professzor úr!” címen, a Metagalaktika 9., (beszerezhetetlen) kötetében. Jó vadászatot :)

(Az idézeteket folyamatosan bővíteni tervezem.)

Népszerű idézetek

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

The Perfesser's cute – even though he never did have much sense.

84. oldal "See you later"


You ought to see Paw. He's got a pelt like one of them things the teacher calls a yak.

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

I started looking fer some old iron I could change into gold.
The next day we got carted off to jail.

66. oldal "Pile of trouble"

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

Mrs. Tarbell died of being hit on the haid with a stone she was throwing up the slope at the shack and it bounced back at her.

83. oldal "See you later"

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

Uncle Lem – who's Uncle Les's twin except they was born quite a spell apart – he was asleep for the winter, off in a holler tree somewheres, so he was out of it.

84. oldal "See you later"

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

How he cussed! It was shameful for a growing boy to hear, except Grandpaw kin outcuss anybody I ever heard so I didn't larn nothing.

85. oldal "See you later"

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

'Fore he knowed it, he was up in the attic, where he stepped right square on Grandpaw.
„You all right, Grandpaw?” I asked, sort of shaking him out,
He cussed me.
„ 'Twarn't my fault” I told him.
„ 'sblood!” he said, mad-like. „What rabble of canting jolt-heads have I sired? Put me down, you young scoundrel.”

85. oldal "See you later"

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

„Ever heard tell of a place called New York? In some furrin country, I guess. Can't understand a word nobody says.”

87. oldal "See you later"

1 hozzászólás
Laura_Arkanian IP>!

„Two is as good as three” Maw said. „Only there ain't no witches. It's like this here science you hear tell about. People make it up out of their haids. It ain't natcheral.”

90. oldal "See you later"

Laura_Arkanian IP>!

„And don't you come round here no more, never again, or we'll set the baby on you.”

Hasonló könyvek címkék alapján

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ONE: One-Punch Man 1.
Riichiro Inagaki: Dr. Stone 1.
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Tamsyn Muir: Harrow the Ninth
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