Bloodmagic (Blood Destiny 2.) 2 csillagozás

Helen Harper: Bloodmagic

After escaping the claws of Corrigan, the Lord Alpha of the Brethren, Mack is trying to lead a quiet lonely life in Inverness in rural Scotland, away from anyone who might happen to be a shapeshifter. However, when she lands a job at an old bookstore owned by a mysterious elderly woman who not only has a familiar passion for herbal lore but also seems to know more than she should, Mack ends up caught in a maelstrom between the Ministry of Mages, the Fae and the Brethren.

Now she has to decide between staying hidden and facing the music, as well as confronting her real feelings for the green eyed power of Corrigan himself.

CreateSpace, Washington, 2013
228 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9781491021446 · ASIN: 1491021446
156 oldal · ASIN: B00AU0O00G

Enciklopédia 5

Szereplők népszerűség szerint

Corrigan · Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith · Solus · Tom

Várólistára tette 1

Kívánságlistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Helen Harper: Bloodmagic

Mack története folytatódik. Az első kötet végén beszállt egy autóba és elhagyta a falkáját. A második rész hat hónappal később folytatódik, és bekapcsolódhatunk Mack szenvedésébe, hogy milyen is egyedül, falka, család nélkül tengődni Skócia zord vidékén. Az új főnöke tartogat neki néhány meglepetést, megismerkedik egy fae-vel, Solum-al, az idegesítő tündérrel, aki bármire képes, hogy megtudja mi is pontosan Mack. Mack egyedül is képes bajba sodorni magát, és akarata ellenére a körülötte lévőket is, pedig ő tényleg igyekszik nem az útjába kerülni semmilyen mágikus frakciónak, de ez valahogy sosem jön össze. Na meg persze ott van az a híres temperamentuma is, ami szintén érdekes szituációkba sodorja őt. AZ előző könyvből is felbukkannak a szereplők ( hál istennek!), főleg Corrum az, akinek nagyon örülünk. Ugye az már ismert tény, hogy Mack nem a logikájáról híres, és hát az élet más területein is kellene még fejlődnie. Főleg, hogy észbontóan szexi pasik veszik körül, akik érdeklődnek is iránta, de neki ez nagyon nem esik le. Szorítsuk neki, hogy fejlődni fog az élet ezen területén is.

Népszerű idézetek


Fucking Fae and their stupid magic.
– Tsk, tsk, – he said, shaking his head. – You don’t have much control over you powers, do you?
– I don’t have any powers, you freak.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith · Solus

– Well I guess these aren’t the droids we’re looking for.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Csillagok háborúja · Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith

– You know, Mack, I’m feeling a bit shaky up here. Perhaps you should come up and steady me again.
– A few hours ago you couldn’t wait to push me out of the door.
He shrugged. – That was before you told me that I was alright. So, I’ll ask you again, what did you mean by that?
– I suppose I meant that I like you. – I took a deep breath and watched his reaction.
– You are the most infuriatingly unfathomable woman I think I’ve ever come across.
– What the hell do you mean by that?
– Just that, kitten. One minute you are purring and begging to be stroked and the next you’re hissing and spitting at me. Is it that you’re just high maintenance?
– High maintenance? – I sputtered. – How dare you!

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Corrigan · Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith

After a few moments, once my poor stomach had finally settled, I looked up to see a pair of shiny stylish wingtips in front of me. My gaze travelled upwards. Well tailored black trousers, snugly fitted at the groin, an unbuttoned white shirt, with a trail of black hair peeping out leading upwards to a well sculpted chest and a rather bemused set of golden green eyes flashing a hint of surprised satisfaction down at me.
Oh fuck.
– Well I knew we’d meet again, kitten, I just didn’t expect you to suddenly materialise and hock up the contents of your stomach onto my floor.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Corrigan · Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith

– My Lord Alpha, I believe I mentioned earlier that I may have been exposed to some kind of, um, disease, on my way here. I suggest you back away as it could very well be lethal.
Corrigan stilled for a moment, his grip on my wrists tightening until I winced in pain.
– What kind of disease?
He’d fallen for that? Clearly the Lord Alpha wasn’t as intelligent as I’d once thought. I widened my eyes to convey the horror even more dramatically.
– A terrible, terrible one. It makes all your hair and teeth fall out and your skin turn green. Then it starts to attack your nervous system making you throw up violently. – I gestured to the remains of my earlier lunch now deposited in a sticky mess on his polished floor. – As you see. So you should stay away from me. I’m sure it’s incredibly contagious.
He appeared to relax infinitesimally and growled at me.
– I’ll take my chances.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Corrigan · Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith

– Just because I am in your company right now does not mean that I am not usually refined and cultured. We Fae are creatures of renaissance. We are not thugs.
– I am learning an entirely different side to you, Solus.
– And you would do well to remember it, my little dragonlette.
– My name is Mack.
– Whatever.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith · Solus

I had gone no more than three steps inside however when an alarm started to sound. Oh dear god, was this the fashion police coming already? My cheeks started to warm as a security guard came over.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith

– One of them has spotted you, – said Solus calmly.
– I know.
– He’s staring at you.
– I know.
– He knows who you are.
– I know.
– Mack…
– It’s Tom.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith · Solus · Tom

I snorted at that. Almost more than Corrigan? Hell, on a good day – when I’d not been beaten up already by half the world – he’d better watch his back.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Mackenzie 'Mack' Smith

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