Journeys ​to the Other Side of the World (Zoo Quest 4-6.) 1 csillagozás

Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist
David Attenborough: Journeys to the Other Side of the World David Attenborough: Journeys to the Other Side of the World

From Madagascar and New Guinea to the Pacific Islands and the Northern Territory of Australia, he and his cameraman companion were aiming to record not just the wildlife, but the way of life of some of the indigenous people of these regions, whose traditions had never been encountered by most of the British public before.

From the land divers of Pentecost Island and the sing-sings of New Guinea, to a Royal Kava ceremony on Tonga and the ancient art of the Northern Territory, it is a journey like no other. Alongside these remarkable cultures he encounters paradise birds, chameleons, sifakas and many more animals in some of the most unique environments on the planet.

Written with David Attenborough's characteristic charm, humour and warmth, Journeys to the Other Side of the World is an inimitable adventure among people, places and the wildest of wildlife.

Eredeti megjelenés éve: 1983

Two Roads, London, 2019
414 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9781473666672
Two Roads, London, 2018
432 oldal · keménytáblás · ISBN: 9781473666641

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Kiemelt értékelések

David Attenborough: Journeys to the Other Side of the World

David Attenborough: Journeys to the Other Side of the World Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist

Attenborough-t olvasni továbbra is nagyon szórakoztató, az ok azonban, amiért ezt a könyvet mégsem csapom rögtön a kedvencek közé, az szimplán annyi, hogy az Adventures-höz képest nagyon eltolódott az állatvilágról a hangsúly az emberek felé. Félreértés ne essék: a különböző népekről és szokásaikról is remekül ír David bácsi, szívtam magamba rendesen az infókat, és konstans a google-ön lógtam miatta; emellett voltak elképesztően filmszerű leírásai, ahol azt kívántam, bárcsak 60-70 évvel ezelőtt én is ott csapathattam volna vele és valamelyik őrült operatőrével a nagyvilágban. Mégis: az antropológus helyett egy fokkal közelebb áll ő a szívem csücskéhez természettudósként, és ettől a könyvtől inkább azt vártam volna, hogy hasonlóan épül fel és megtalálja a harmóniát állatok és emberek és kalandok bemutatása között, mint az Adventures.

Népszerű idézetek


We drove three hundred miles that day through the rolling hills that form the spine of Madagascar. The roads were almost empty except for taxis-brousse, the little decrepit overloaded bush taxis that careered unsteadily between villages picking up anyone by the roadside who flagged them down. Although they were always so full that arms, legs and heads overflowed through their windows, we never saw them fail to pick up a possible fare. The people waited for them by the roadside, sitting on bundles or boxes, wrapped in their white togas, miles away from any visible settlement. If we had had room, we could have made a good trade ferrying passengers from village to village, but the back of our truck was packed almost to the roof with stores and equipment and it seemed impossible that anyone else could cram themselves inside. Impossible, that is, until we came across one of the taxi-brousse that had been so overloaded that its rear had subsided to the ground with a broken axle. It was then that we discovered that in fact we had room for two baskets of chickens, three men, a small boy and a lady who, by the most charitable estimate, weighed at least sixteen stone.

195-196. oldal, Book Two - Sifakas and Giant Birds (Two Roads, 2018)

David Attenborough: Journeys to the Other Side of the World Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist


Unfortunately, Charles was unable to come on this trip. Instead, I was joined by Geoffrey Mulligan, a cameraman of my own age and a man with a reputation for having an unquenchable appetite for physical exertion. When I outlined the plans to him, he became as excited as I was by the prospects.
'This jumping ceremony', he said, 'we must make sure we really do it justice. Would you like me to try the jump myself, filming as I fall?'

90. oldal, Book One - Return to the Pacific (Two Roads, 2018)

David Attenborough: Journeys to the Other Side of the World Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist

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