The ​Crossing (The Border Trilogy 2.) 5 csillagozás

Cormac McCarthy: The Crossing Cormac McCarthy: The Crossing Cormac McCarthy: The Crossing

The ​opening section of The Crossing, book two of the Border Trilogy, features perhaps the most perfectly realized storytelling of Cormac McCarthy's celebrated career. Like All the Pretty Horses, this volume opens with a teenager's decision to slip away from his family's ranch into Mexico. In this case, the boy is Billy Parham, and the catalyst for his trip is a wolf he and his father have trapped, but that Billy finds himself unwilling to shoot. His plan is to set the animal loose down south instead.

This is a McCarthy novel, not Old Yeller, and so Billy's trek inevitably becomes more ominous than sweet. It boasts some chilling meditations on the simple ferocity McCarthy sees as necessary for all creatures who aim to continue living. But Billy is McCarthy's most loving--and therefore damageable--character, and his story has its own haunted melancholy.

Billy eventually returns to his ranch. Then, finding himself and his world changed, he returns to Mexico with his… (tovább)

Eredeti megjelenés éve: 1994

Knopf, New York, 1994
426 oldal · ISBN: 9780394574752
Knopf, New York, 1994
426 oldal · keménytáblás · ISBN: 0394574753
Picador, London
432 oldal · ISBN: 9780330511247

Várólistára tette 1

Kívánságlistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Cormac McCarthy: The Crossing

Ha nem várna ez a rengeteg olvasatlan könyv, elölről kezdeném az egészet. Gyorsan szoktam olvasni, nem időzöm el sokat egy-egy könyv felett, de ez a történet, és ahogy azt elmondja, megállított.
Az első része egy nagy lélegzetvétel. Ültem a szobámba és mégsem voltam jelen. McCarthy szavaival és mondatösszerakásával jó mélyre tud lemenni az emberi lélekben, ott fogja meg, ahol csavarintani szokott a bánat és a fájdalom rajtunk, aztán az egész lenyugszik, kitágul a látóhatár és fellélegzik az ember. Semmi sem történik az életben és mégis minden benne van. Várunk valamire és közben teljesen más dolgokat kapunk. Vagy észrevesszük, hogy ez az, vagy várunk tovább, de az élet akkor is ránk erőszakolja magát úgy, ahogy azt ő gondolja. Nagyon szeretem, hogy úgy képes ábrázolni a dolgok történését, ahogy átéljük őket, az egyik pillanatban semmi, a másikban nyakunkon a történés.
A második fele a regénynek olyan, mint egy prédikáció, mégsem érzi azt az ember, hogy most kioktatták. Sokkal inkább érzi azt, hogy öregek mesélnek neki a maguk bölcsességével és meglátásaival, történeteket hallunk az úton, ahogy haladunk egy cél felé, amiről azt gondoljuk, az útitárs is osztozik benne. De ez nem az a vidék és nem az az élet, ami kiszámítható.
A harmadik felében meg eszembe jutott a Melquiades Estrada három temetése című film.
Billy Parham nagyon szerethető karaktere a regénynek. Magának való figura, de mégsem éreztem úgy, hogy nem beszélgetnék el vele. A mű címe meg nagyon találó, sokféleképpen kereszteződhetnek a dolgok az ember életében, gyermekből felnőtt lesz, életén át megannyi élet jár keresztbe-kasba, országhatárok átlépése, álom és valóság különbsége. Megélni kell minden jelent. Bármennyire is sötétebb tónusú ez a mű, mint az All the pretty horses, számomra sokkal inkább szólt a felébredésről.
@robertjordan tessék nekiállni elolvasni a trilógiát.

4 hozzászólás
Cormac McCarthy: The Crossing

Néha tesztoszteronhiányom van, és olyankor kinyitok egy efféle könyvet. Kiscsávó ellovagol a naplementében, körülötte pusztaság, döglött lovak és kiszáradt öregemberek. Nem igazán történik semmi, bölcseket mondanak arról, hogy mekkora gáz, ha arra választott ki az élet, hogy mindenkit elveszíts, és így élj tovább. Nagyon szépen ír, még ha kemény is. Úgy érinti meg a szíved, hogy közben kitépi a bordáidat. Viszont hihetetlenül vontatott és szétbeszélt, tele töltelékszereplővel. A rossz hírem pedig az, hogy alapfokú spanyol nyelvvizsga szükséges a megértéséhez, ami feltehetően nem ügy a texasi határvidéken, de nekem egy pöppet problémás. Viszont amit muszáj kiemelnem: van egy rész, ahol megismerjük a farkasszuka életét, gondolatait, hiedelmeit, az hátborzongatóan jó lett.

Népszerű idézetek


When they came south out of Grant County Boyd was not much more than a baby and the newly formed county they'd named Hidalgo was itself little older than the child. In the country they'd quit lay the bones of a sister and the bones of his maternal grandmother. The new country was rich and wild. You could ride clear to Mexico and not strike a crossfence. He carried Boyd before him in the bow of the saddle and named to him features of the landscape and birds and animals in both spanish and english. In the new house they slept in the room off the kitchen and he would lie awake at night and listen to his brother's breathing in the dark and he would whisper half aloud to him as he slept his plans for them and the life they would have.

On a winter's night in that first year he woke to hear wolves in the low hills to the west of the house and he knew that they would be coming out onto the plain in the new snow to run the antelope in the moonlight. He pulled his breeches off the footboard of the bed and got his shirt and his blanketlined duckingcoat and got his boots from under the bed and went out to the kitchen and dressed in the dark by the faint warmth of the stove and held the boots to the windowlight to pair them left and right and pulled them on and rose and went to the kitchen door and stepped out and closed the door behind him.

When he passed the barn the horses whimpered softly to him in the cold. The snow creaked under his boots and his breath smoked in the bluish light. An hour later he was crouched in the snow in the dry creekbed where he knew the wolves had been using by their tracks in the sand of the washes, by their tracks in the snow.

They were already out on the plain and when he crossed the gravel fan where the creek ran south into the valley he could see where they'd crossed before him. He went forward on knees and elbows with his hands pulled back into his sleeves to keep them out of the snow and when he reached the last of the small dark juniper trees where the broad valley ran under the Animas Peaks he crouched quietly to steady his breath and then raised himself slowly and looked out.

They were running on the plain harrying the antelope and the antelope moved like phantoms in the snow and circled and wheeled and the dry powder blew about them in the cold moonlight and their breath smoked palely in the cold as if they burned with some inner fire and the wolves twisted and turned and leapt in a silence such that they seemed of another world entire. They moved down the valley and turned and moved far out on the plain until they were the smallest of figures in that dim whiteness and then they disappeared.

First two pages


Memories dim with age. There is no repository for our images. The loved ones who visit us in dreams are strangers. To even see aright is effort. We seek some witness but the world will not provide one. This is the third history. It is the history that each man makes alone out of what is left to him. Bits of wreckage. Some bones. The words of the dead.


Lastly she said that if women were drawn to rash men it was only that in their secret hearts they knew that a man who would not kill for them was of no use at all.


On the twenty sixth of June of that year a company of Huertistas had passed through the town of Rodeo on their way east to Torreón.


The ganadero leaned back in the chair again. He looked at Billy. Your brother is young enough to believe that the past still exists, he said. That the injustices within it await his remedy. Perhaps you believe this also?


He could see curved like a dark triptych in a glass paperweight the figures of the two men and the girl burning in the fugitive light of the fire at the black center of the animal's eye.

1 hozzászólás

She said that to be a woman was to live a life of difficulty and heartbreak and those who said otherwise simply had no wish to face the facts. And she said that since this was so nor could it be altered one was better to follow one's heart in joy and in misery than simply to seek comfort for there was none.

322. oldal


She said that in every family there is one who is different and the others believe they know that person but they do not know that person.

323. oldal

A sorozat következő kötete

The Border Trilogy sorozat · Összehasonlítás

Hasonló könyvek címkék alapján

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Nora Roberts: Black Hills
Christina Lauren: Something Wilder
R. J. Scott: Texas Winter
Deborah Harkness: A Discovery of Witches
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J. A. Redmerski: The Edge of Never
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