Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó) személy

Robert Silverberg (szerk.): Legendák 2.
Terry Pratchett: Equal Rites
Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters
Terry Pratchett: Witches Abroad
Terry Pratchett: Maskerade
Terry Pratchett: Hölgyek és urak
Terry Pratchett: Egyenjogú rítusok
Terry Pratchett: Vészbanyák
Terry Pratchett: Vége a mesének
Terry Pratchett: Maszkabál
Terry Pratchett: Carpe Jugulum
Terry Pratchett: Der ganze Wahnsinn
Terry Pratchett: Égből szőtt kalap
Terry Pratchett: Télkovács

(c) Paul Kidby


Paul Kidby


Paul Kidby


Eredeti alak: Esmerelda Weatherwax (Granny)
Régi fordítás: Eszmeralda Mállottviksz (Néne)


Paul Kidby


Paul Kidby


Paul Kidby

2 hozzászólás



They followed hard on his trodden-down heels as he scurried between the toiling wizards, most of whom stopped working to stare as Granny strode past.
„This is getting embarrassing,” said Cutangle, out of the corner of his mouth. „I shall have to declare you an honorary wizard.”
Granny stared straight ahead and her lips hardly moved.
„You do,” she hissed, „and I will declare you an honorary witch.”
Cutangle's mouth snapped shut.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

Smith took a spade from beside the back door and hesitated.
“Do you know how wizards like to be buried?”
“Well, how?”
Granny Weatherwax paused at the bottom of the stairs.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

“Oh, obvious,” said Granny. “I’ll grant you it’s obvious. Trouble is, just because things are obvious doesn’t mean they’re true.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

Granny Weatherwax was not lost. She wasn't the kind of person who ever became lost. It was just that, at the moment, while she knew exactly where SHE was, she didn't know the position of anywhere else.

145. oldal (Corgi, 1989)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

Granny turned slowly in her seat to look at the audience. They were staring at the performance, their faces rapt. The words washed over them in the breathless air. This was real. This was more real even than reality. This was history. It might not be true, but that had nothing to do with it.

Granny had never had much time for words. They were so insubstantial. Now she wished that she had found the time. Words were indeed insubstantial. They were as soft as water, but they were also as powerful as water and now they were rushing over the audience, eroding the levees of veracity, and carrying away the past.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

“And now,” he said, “to what do I owe this visit from three such charming ladies?”
In fact he’d won. Granny’s mouth fell open. She would not have described herself as anything much above 'handsome, considering'. Nanny, on the other hand, was as gummy as a baby and had a face like a small dried raisin. The best you could say for Magrat was that she was decently plain and well-scrubbed and as flat-chested as an ironing board with a couple of peas on it, even if her head was too well stuffed with fancies.

43. oldal (Corgi, 1989)


Egy pszichiáter azt az embert, aki attól tart, hogy egy hatalmas, rettenetes szörnyeteg van a nyomában, meggyőzné, hogy szörnyek márpedig nem léteznek. Wiharvész Anyó pedig egyszerűen adna neki egy széket, amire felállhat, és egy nagyon vastag botot.

340. oldal (Delta Vision, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

Most witches preferred to live in isolated cottages with the traditional curly chimneys and weed-grown thatch. Granny Weatherwax approved of this; it was no good being a witch unless you let people know.
Nanny Ogg didn’t care much about what people knew and even less for what they thought, and lived in a new, knick-knack crammed cottage in the middle of Lancre town itself and at the heart of her own private empire. Various daughters and daughters-in-law came in to cook and clean on a sort of rota. Every flat surface was stuffed with ornaments brought back by far-traveling members of the family. Sons and grandsons kept the logpile stacked, the roof shingled, the chimney swept; the drinks cupboard was always full, the pouch by her rocking chair always stuffed with tobacco. Above the hearth was a huge pokerwork sign saying “Mother.” No tyrant in the whole history of the world had ever achieved a domination so complete.

64. oldal (Corgi, 1989)


    A magas, fekete köpenyes alak végigsétált a padlón, és leült egy kéznél lévő hordóra, miután a kaszáját a falnak támasztotta. Majd hátratolta a csuklyáját. Anyó karba fonta a kezét, és higgadtan a látogatójára meredt; farkasszemgödröt néztek egymással.

95-96. oldal (Delta Vision, 2010)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Halál · Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)

    – […] nem él idefent semmi egyéb, ami megtámadna minket.
    – Biztos ebben?
    – Az én hegyeim között én biztonságban járhatok-kelhetek – válaszolta Wiharvész kisasszony.
    – De nincsenek errefelé trollok, farkasok, meg ilyesmi?
    – Jaj, dehogy nincsenek! Rengeteg van.
    – És nem szokták megtámadni?
    – Már nem – válaszolta egy önelégült hang a sötétben.

254. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Wiharvész Eszmeralda (Anyó)