Walker Lauren személy

Nalini Singh: Kiss of Snow
Nalini Singh: Vonzódás
Nalini Singh: Látomás
Nalini Singh: Tangle of Need
Nalini Singh: Wild Invitation
Nalini Singh: Shards of Hope



Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

– Ez lehetetlen. – Sascha az asztalra támaszkodott. – Azzal egyetértek, hogy a párok közötti kapcsolat majdnem mentális. De ilyet nem tudok kiépíteni a falka többi tagjával. Hogyan párosodhatnék több leopárddal?
– Sehogy – csattant fel Lucas önkéntelenül. – Te az enyém vagy. Ennyi.
Sascha összeráncolta a szemöldökét, úgy nézett Lucasra.
– Ezt én is tudom, uram, királyom! Csak rá akartam mutatni arra, hogy amit Walker javasol, az lehetetlen.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Lucas Hunter · Sascha Duncan · Walker Lauren
1 hozzászólás

– A párod beállította Juddot, hogy segítsen neki Brennát gyógyítani. Képzelheted, hogy ennek Andrew és Riley mennyire örült. Elég lenne, ha a mentál csak egyet rosszul pislantana a kishúguk mellett, és azonnal darabokra szaggatnák. De úgy tűnik, az az őrült mentál szarik az egészre. Lehet, hogy csak emiatt van még életben. – Az alfahím összefonta a mellén a karját. – És igen, Walker próbálja tanítgatni a kicsiket, hogy csináljanak valamit a pajzsukkal, amitől még véletlenül sem buktathatják le magukat.
Nem maradt más, csak Sienna Lauren. Valószínű volt, hogy a tini lány okozza Hawke-nak a legtöbb fejfájást.
– Sienna annyi bajt okoz, hogy kezdem azt hinni, az a kölyök egy farkas lány, csak mentálnak álcázta magát.
– Túl engedékeny vagy vele. – Indigó szavai nem illettek a szemében csillogó nevetéshez.
Hawke felmordult.
– Ha szerinted ez olyan rohadt vicces, akkor mostantól te taníthatod önvédelemre. Az a lány úgy küzd, mint egy perzsamacska, csak sziszeg, de nem harap.
Indigó elsápadt. Vaughn soha nem gondolta volna, hogy ilyet is lát.
– Meddig?
– Ameddig kell.


“Are all men so bloodthirsty?”
“Lara’s father showed me his tools—then we had an illuminating conversation about how easy it would be to cut a person in half using one of the lasers. It was very civilized.”

Chapter 19

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Sienna Lauren · Walker Lauren

“You will be good to her.” Not a statement, but an order.
Hawke’s wolf stirred. “Do you think I’d be otherwise?”
“If I did, you’d be dead.”
It was Judd who’d been the assassin, but Hawke had the sudden, crystal-clear realization that when it came to Sienna, Toby, and Marlee, it was Walker who was more dangerous. “Understood.” If he had a daughter, he’d kill any man who dared hurt her. And whatever their actual relationship, Walker was the closest Sienna had to a father.
Now Walker gave a clipped nod. “Then we’re clear.” Turning on his heel, he walked back to his quarters.
Hawke’s wolf shook its head, staring after the Psy male with pale green eyes. “You told me you were a teacher in the Net.”
The man looked over his shoulder. “I was. You never asked me who I taught.” The door closed.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Hawke Snow · Walker Lauren

“Thank you,” she whispered. “For being my father.” In every way that mattered.
Walker’s expression altered only the minutest fraction, but she saw the storm of naked emotion crash across the green before he stroked his hand over her hair and kissed her gently on the forehead. “You make me proud each and every day.”

Chapter 19

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Sienna Lauren · Walker Lauren

“Why did you come back after you were relieved of duty?” he asked as they started to walk again. “You risked everything.” […]
“If I could have, I would’ve taken you with me,” Walker said. “That I couldn’t do, but I could make sure you had the tools to survive.”
It didn’t quite answer Aden’s question, but he didn’t push.
Then Walker added, “You’re not my son, Aden, but that’s how I’ve always thought of you.”
A stretching pain in Aden’s heart that threatened to steal his breath. Unable to speak, he simply nodded and knew it was inadequate, but he also knew Walker would understand. Walker had always understood him.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aden Kai · Walker Lauren
SzRéka P>!

And did you?
Have opinions?
Yes. Apparently I have no taste.

Texture of Intimacy

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Judd Lauren · Walker Lauren
SzRéka P>!

“Speaking of Walker,” he murmured in her ear, “I saw him glaring at Lara a few minutes ago.” […]
“Walker doesn’t glare,” Sienna said, shifting so that she faced him on her knees. “He just looks at you until you obey.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Hawke Snow · Sienna Lauren · Walker Lauren

“Come with me, Lara. You need to have a break.”
“No, I can’t—”
He took her hand, halting her words midstream. “Either you walk out with me,” he said, keeping his tone calm though his words were nothing reasonable, “or I’ll take a leaf out of Hawke’s book and carry you out.” That situation, too, was something he had his eye on, but it wasn’t time for him to say his piece. Not yet.
Lara’s mouth fell open. “You wouldn’t.”
He waited, let her eyes scan his face, see the truth.
Cheeks flushing a dull red beneath that deep tan skin, she said, “You would.” A small tug as she tried to free her hand, failed. “I need to tell Lucy.”
“She’s seen.” Then he began walking, pulling Lara along.
She made a small growling sound he’d never before heard from her. “I’m a wolf, not a dog.”
“You’d treat a pet better than you treat yourself.”
Neither of them said another word until they were some distance from the den, beside a waterfall that froze in the winter months but was at present a roaring spray.
Releasing his grip on her, he pointed to a rocky ledge. “Sit before you fall down.”
“Argh!” She slammed fisted hands against his chest. “Would you like me to shift and wag my tail while I’m at it?” Anger turned her tawny eyes dark, thinned the soft invitation of her mouth.
“No,” he said, grabbing her wrists, her bones delicate under his touch. “I’d like you to permit me to take care of you.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Walker Lauren

A teacher, that’s what everyone said he’d been in the PsyNet. But Lara had always wondered if there was more to it—there was something about Walker that spoke of shadows, of hidden truths. Things she knew he’d never share. Not Walker.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Walker Lauren