Tyson Compass személy

Jaymin Eve: Dragon Marked
Jaymin Eve: Dragon Mystics
Jaymin Eve: A sárkány jele
Jaymin Eve: Magical Compass
Jaymin Eve: Elemental Compass



Jacob vigyorgott.
– Ideje bemenni – mondta, és belökte Tysont. – Rendes tőled, hogy önként vállalkoztál erre, Ty – dünnyögte, amikor a boszorkánymester eltűnt a börtön falában.
Aha, tehát van ott egy bejárat. Elvigyorodtam. Jacobnak vége, amint Tyson keze közé kerül.

193. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Jacob Compass · Tyson Compass

Lezöttyent mellém, hatalmas karjával átölelt, és kimaszírozta a vállamból a feszültséget. Felnyögtem, és lehunytam a szemem, ahogy a csomókon ügyködött, aminek a létezéséről nem is tudtam. […]
– Hagyd ezt abba, Jessa cica! – kérte Tyson folytott hangon – Egyezséget kötöttünk, hogy veled kapcsolatban nem támadhatnak helytelen gondolataink. De ez most kemény dió.
Vettem a célzást.
Csukott szemmel kiöltöttem rá a nyelvem, és megálljt parancsoltam a feltörni készülő nyögéseknek.

68. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Braxton Compass · Jessa Lebron · Tyson Compass

– Meglepődnél,ha tudnád, hány férfi lépett már olajra miattuk.- Az igazat megvallva nem tudtam felidézni egy szexuális partneremet sem, aki ne tojta volna össze magát a Compass fivérek miatt. Csoda, hogy nem randizom?
Louis felnevetett.
– Egyáltalán nem lennék meglepve. Az egész város tudja, hogy tiltott gyümölcs vagy.
Megölöm ezeket a rohadékokat.

162-163. oldal


Jacob, Tyson, Braxton és Maximus Compass közel huszonkét éve a legjobb barátaim. Négyes ikrek, akik a természet vagy a genetika furcsa játéka következtében négy különböző természetfeletti lény lelkét hordozzák magukban.


His low growls started in my ear. – I told the boys we shouldn’t be friends with girls, – he muttered. – I told them that they’re mean, and will do things like break our hearts and scare the shit of out us. – His deep words washed over the room. I heard a few chuckles.
When he pulled back I examined his tense features.
– When did you tell them that? – I asked.
Jacob snorted. – Remember when we were five and you stole Max’s piece of cake. Right around then.
– And when we were eight and you ran him over with your bike, – Tyson added. – Not to mention when you kicked him in the b–
– Okay, okay. Apparently, Max has spent much of our childhood lamenting the fact I was an annoying girl.
Braxton stepped in the front door, his dark hair damp, stylishly tousled. – Don’t let them fool you, Max loved you from the first second you came into our lives. Twenty years.
Maximus eyed his brother. – I’m not the only one, bro.

16. fejezet


Reprimanding me was one thing, but threatening me in front of the Compasses … bad idea. In a single movement the four of them were on their feet. I followed because my alpha wolf didn’t like the men towering over me, although most of them were a foot taller than my five feet four – yep, I was small. My height was another thing which gave me an air of vulnerability, right up until I opened my mouth

1. fejezet


– For you, little sister, I would do anything.
I snorted, and I wasn’t the only one. The Compasses turned as one and leveled a single glare in his direction. Of all the things Louis had ever done, his use of the word “sister” seemed to have set them off.
– What did you say? – Tyson was the closest in terms of distance, and as he straightened he blocked my view of Louis. I wasn’t tall enough to see over him and he was far too broad to see around. – Jess is not your anything, you need to learn your place.
– Hey! – I muscled my way out of the men. – I think I can speak for myself, Tyson Compass, and I can also kick your ass if you need a reminder.
He arched one of his well-shaped brows at me. – I think I’d enjoy a good ass-kicking, if it was you delivering it. – His eyes flicked across to his brothers. Even Maximus had finally stopped pacing and was now standing on the other side of Jacob. – But seriously, Louis needs to take a step back. You’re our sister, our pack, and he is not a part of that.
I sighed. – I’m not a possession, I belong to no one.
The clearing of a throat had my lips twitching. I couldn’t help but tilt my chin and meet Braxton’s stare.
– Okay, I maybe … sort of … a very tiny, little, minute amount belong to Braxton Compass. – The other quads faces fell. Oh shit balls, they were tugging on my heart. – Fine, I belong to all of you, as long as you know you belong to me also. And … Louis is part of that. He is my brother from another mother. We are cool in that way.

gabriella04 >!

Our eyes met as we paused before the swirling mass of magic.
„Ready?” He grinned, a look of challenge on his face. „What's the worst that could happen, right?”

Chapter eight

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Tyson Compass
gabriella04 >!

    „I won't let anything happen to you.”
    His murmured promise had a ring of finality to it, like that statement was more than just words. It was a truth he would die to keep.
    My box slammed shut again and I was in control.
    „I know you won't. I trust you, Ty. Let's do this.”

Chapter eight

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Tyson Compass
gabriella04 >!

    “Compasses are dropping like flies,” Jacob said, slanting a shit-eating grin in my direction.
    I lifted a single brow in his direction. “Jealous, bro?”
    My brother shook his head, his chuckles sounding like music in the breeze. Then he surprised me by sobering up enough to say, “You might be right. You’re all lucky bastards.”
    A moment passed between us; there was so much unsaid in his face. He
was ready to settle, I could tell, but he was also in no rush.

Chapter 5

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Jacob Compass · Tyson Compass