Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd személy

Renée Ahdieh: The Wrath & the Dawn
Renée Ahdieh: The Rose & the Dagger
Renée Ahdieh: The Crown & the Arrow
Renée Ahdieh: The Mirror & the Maze
Renée Ahdieh: Harag & hajnal
Renée Ahdieh: Rózsa & tőr

Shahrzad and Khalid by: @rebookiibooart


Shazi and Khalid by:dianadworak


Shahrzad and Khalid by: @deviantART


Shahrzad and Khalid by: @deviantART



“I love you,” Shahrzad breathed. “You are all that I am.”
“And you are all that I will be.”

176. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd · Sahrazád al-Kajzurán

– Apa leszek, Kálid dzsán.
Kálid hirtelen megtorpant. Egy helyben megfordult, sarka mély árkot vájt a homokba.
Dzsalál megrándította a vállát, szája sarkában szomorú mosoly bujkált.
– Te… lelkiismeretlen, ostoba bolond.
– Milyen kedves tőled!
– Engedélyt kérsz tőlem, hogy feleségül vehesd?
– Nem hajlandó hozzám jönni. – Dzsalál még egyszer végigszántott a haján. – Nem csupán neked tűnt fel az ajtóm előtt tolongó hárem.
– Máris megkedveltem a lányt. Legalább kész tanulni a hibáiból. […]

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Dzsalál Al-Kourí · Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd

“I didn’t like it when you called me your friend,” he said, a light in his amber eyes.
He raised both palms to either side of her face, angling her chin upward.
“Do you prefer ‘my king’ or ‘sayyidi’?” she choked in dry disgust.
He leaned forward, his brow almost brushing against hers.
“I prefer Khalid.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

“What are you doing to me, you plague of a girl?” he whispered.
“If I’m a plague, then you should keep your distance, unless you plan on being destroyed.” The weapons still in her grasp, she shoved against his chest.
“No.” His hands dropped to her waist. “Destroy me.”
The bow and arrow clattered to the ground as he brought his mouth to hers.
And there was no turning back.
She was drowning in sandalwood and sunlight. Time ceased to be more than a notion. Her lips were hers one moment. And then they were his. The taste of him on her tongue was like sun-warmed honey. Like cool water sliding down her parched throat. Like the promise of all her tomorrows in a single sigh. When she wound her fingers in his hair to draw her body against his, he stilled for breath, and she knew, as he knew, that they were lost. Lost forever.
In this kiss.
This kiss that would change everything.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd · Sahrazád al-Kajzurán

“I’m my father’s son—a monster by blood and by right.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd
3 hozzászólás

The handmaiden’s voice rose above his cousin’s directives, bright and clear as a bell. “You will not tell me where to go or what to do, Captain al-Khoury. If there is anything this chaos has taught me, it is to know my place. Better than anyone.”
Her words mirrored the storm of Khalid’s thoughts.
He knew his place now. Better than anyone.
It was here. In his city. With his people.
And he would not rest until he made amends.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Deszpina · Dzsalál Al-Kourí · Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd

“How dare I imply you caused this mess?”
“Me? This is not my fault! This is your fault!”
“You and your temper, Khalid!”
“No. You and your mouth, Shazi.”
“Wrong, you wretched lout!”
“See? That mouth.” He reached up and grazed his thumb across her lips. “That—magnificent mouth.”

161. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd · Sahrazád al-Kajzurán

“I didn’t like it when you called me your friend,” he said, a light in his amber eyes.
He raised both palms to either side of her face, angling her chin upward.
“Do you prefer ‘my king’ or ‘sayyidi’?” she choked in dry disgust.
He leaned forward, his brow almost brushing against hers.
“I prefer Khalid.”
Shahrzad swallowed.
“What are you doing to me, you plague of a girl?” he whispered.
“If I’m a plague, then you should keep your distance, unless you plan on being destroyed.” The weapons still in her grasp, she shoved against his chest.
“No.” His hands dropped to her waist. “Destroy me.”

166-167. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd · Sahrazád al-Kajzurán

When she wound her fingers in his hair to draw her body against his, he stilled for breath, and she knew, as he knew, that they were lost. Lost forever.
In this kiss.
This kiss that would change everything.

167. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Kálid ibn ar-Rasíd · Sahrazád al-Kajzurán

Tariq swiveled back toward the boy-king, a series of lines creasing his sun-drenched forehead. “He seems very quiet.”
“He is quiet. But a man much wiser than I once said that the smartest men are the silent ones . . .”
Tariq waited, barely managing to conceal his growing contempt.
Captain al-Khoury leaned closer. “Because they hear everything.”
“It’s an interesting notion,” Tariq mused. “Who said it?”
Captain al-Khoury smirked with cool deliberation. “Khalid.” Then he strode to the boy-king’s side.

272. oldal