Julien Thornton személy

Ella Frank: True
Ella Frank: Confessions: Robbie
Ella Frank: Confessions: Julien
Ella Frank: Confessions: Priest
Ella Frank: Confessions: The Princess, the Prick & the Priest
Ella Frank: Confessions: Henri
Ella Frank: Robbie
Ella Frank: Confessions: Bailey
Ella Frank: Headlines
Ella Frank – Brooke Blaine: Jingle Bell Rock
Ella Frank: Good Intentions
Ella Frank: Julien
Ella Frank: Priest
Ella Frank: Confessions: Ethan
Ella Frank: Confessions: Zayne
Ella Frank: Confessions: Chloé


Rini P>!

– Hogy bírja a szíve, Mr. Priestley?
Priest átkarolta Julien derekát, és visszaültek a helyükre.
– Megkockáztatom, úgy, ahogy a tiéd.
– Akkor valaki ellopta, és magával vitte, igaz?
Priest megfogta Julien állát, és mélyen megcsókolta, aztán a szemébe nézett.
– Oui, el bizony, Mr. Thornton. Ellopta, és talán sosem hozza vissza.

Huszonötödik fejezet

5 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

“How’s your heart doing there, Mr. Priestley?”

Priest wrapped his arm around Julien’s waist, and as they headed back to their seats, he said, “About the same as yours, I’d hazard to guess.”

“Completely and utterly sunk, then?”

Priest took hold of Julien’s chin and kissed him nice and deep until finally he raised his head and replied, “Oui, like an anchor in the deepest ocean, Mr. Thornton. Completely and utterly sunk.”

25. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Joel Priestley "Priest" · Julien Thornton
4 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

– Kedvelem magát, Mr. Priest.
– Mr. Priest-ley. És az érzés nem kölcsönös, erről biztosíthatlak.

Negyedik fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Joel Priestley "Priest" · Julien Thornton
1 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

“I love a good love story. My fathers have a great one, and every time I hear it, my heart feels happy.”

140. oldal, Chapter Ten (Magánkiadás, 2023)

1 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

“You talked Priest into ice skating? I don’t believe it.”
Robbie’s eyes lit up with glee as he fished his phone out of his pocket. “I have proof!”
“Robert, we talked about this.” Priest’s tone was downright serious, but the no-nonsense expression had little to no effect on Robbie.
“No, you threatened me, and I’m choosing to believe you love me too much to actually kill me if I show them.”

20. Tate

1 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

“He’s perfect.”
Papa grunted. “No man’s perfect.”
“I don’t know, Joel.” Père leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re pretty close.”

248. oldal, Chapter Nineteen (Magánkiadás, 2023)

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Joel Priestley "Priest" · Julien Thornton
2 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

“I like you, Mr. Priest.”
“It’s Mr. Priest-ley. And the feeling is not mutual, I assure you.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Joel Priestley "Priest" · Julien Thornton
marianngabriella P>!

“Mon Dieu, Joel… Il a le visage d'un ange et les lèvres du Diable.”

10. fejezet

2 hozzászólás
Rini P>!

Julien and Robbie started toward the luggage drop-off area, and his laugh filled my ears. As I followed along behind them, I couldn’t help but think I was the luckiest man in the world.

3. Priest

Rini P>!

“It looks like our special guest is here.”
Logan glanced over his shoulder, and then back to us. “Special is definitely one way to describe Robbie.”
“Logan,” Tate said under his breath. “What? He is…special.” Tate smacked him in the arm and looked to Ace. “What Logan means is that Robbie can be a little bit over the top sometimes.” Ace laughed. “I’m not worried. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of fans for years.”
“And the truth of the matter is,” I whispered, “we’re extremely curious to meet the two men that the very serious Mr. Priestley ended up marrying.”
“That, and Dylan’s been panicking about serving food to the Julien Thornton.”

7. Dylan

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