Grace Blackthorn személy

Cassandra Clare – Sarah Rees Brennan: The Midnight Heir
Cassandra Clare – Sarah Rees Brennan: Az éjféli örökös
Cassandra Clare: Chain of Gold
Cassandra Clare: Chain of Iron
Cassandra Clare: Aranylánc
Cassandra Clare: Chain of Thorns
Cassandra Clare: Vaslánc
Cassandra Clare: Tövislánc



“I shall never understand my brother,“ Lucie said, without thinking. “Why on earth does he love you?“

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · Lucie Herondale
1 hozzászólás

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Magnus tensed. He had not wanted to distress Will and Tessa too much. He had not told them that James had fallen when he was in the Serpentine, and made very little effort to rescue himself from drowning. He had not seemed to want to be taken from the cold depths of the water: had fought Magnus as he dragged him out, then laid his pale cheek against the dank earth of the riverbank an hid his face in his arms.

For a moment Magnus had thought he was crying, but as he stooped down to sheck on the boy, he found he was barely conscious. With his cruel golden eyed closed, he once again reminded Magnus of the lost boy Will had been. Magnus touched his damp hair gently and said „James”, in as kind a voice as he could.

The boys pale hands were spalyed against the dark earth. The glimmer of the Herondale ring shone against his skin, and the edge of something metallic shone under his sleeve as well. His eyes were shut, the black lashes ink-dark crescents against the lines of his cheekbones. Sparkling drops of water were caught in the curling ends of those lashes, whick made him look unhappy in a way he did not when awake.

„Grace,” James had whispered in his sleep, and was silent.


Láncként gondolt rá – vasláncként, ami hozzá kötötte a fiút. A Herondale-eket arra teremtették, hogy szeressenek – mondta régen az anyja. Mindenüket odaadják, semmit sem sajnálnak.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn
hrvfanni P>!

– Gondoltam, talán kíváncsi vagy rá. Végtére is a kard sem választhatja meg, kinek a szívébe szúrják.
Grace felnézett. Két szeme továbbra is két rezzenéstelen vizű, sötét tó volt.
– A kardot ez nem is érdekli.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · Magnus Bane

“I want you to kiss me,” she said.
He never thought of saying no.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · James Herondale
1 hozzászólás

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

– Nézzük a jó oldalát – biztatta Jesse. – Feltaláltad… az örökégő pergament. Christopher büszke lenne. Imádta, ha a dolgok folyton égtek.

593. oldal, 31. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · Jesse Blackthorn

This was extraordinary beauty, beauty unlike the beauty of most mortals.
In the stained and filthy ruin the house had become, she shone like a pearl. Her hair was the color of a pearl too, palest ivory with a sheen of gold on it, and her skin was the luminous pink and white of a seashell. Her lashes were thick and dark, veiling eyes of deep unearthly gray.
Magnus drew in a breath. Tatiana herd him and looked over, smiling a triumphant smile. „She's glorious, isn't she? My ward. My Grace.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · Magnus Bane

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

There was only one portrait that was whole and clean. It was an oil painting, with no glass covering it, but there was not a speck of dust on its surface. It was the only clean thing, besides Grace, in the entire house.
The portrait was of a boy, about seventeen years old. He was sitting in a chair, his head resting against the back as if he did not have the strength to support it on his own. He was terribly thin and as white as salt. His eyes were a deep, still green, like a woodland pool hidden under the overhanging leaves of a tree, never exposed to sun or wind. He had dark hair falling, as fine-spun and straight as silk, across his brow, and his long fingers were curled over the arms of the chair, almost clinging to it, and the desperate clutch of those hands told a silent story of pain.
Magnus had seen portraits like this before, the last images of the lost. He could tell even across the years how much effort it had cost the boy to sit for that portrait, for the comfort of loved ones who would live after he was gone.
His palid face had the distant look of one who had already taken too many steps along the path to death for him to be recalled. Magnus thought of James Herondale, burning up with too much light, too much love, too much, too much- while the boy in the portrait was as lovely as a dying poet, with the fragile beauty of a candle about to gutter out.

Eszti_TDA P>!

“You weren’t hallucinating that time you saw that fellow drinking blood, either. He was a vampire.”
Grace gave out a sound that was half laugh, half sob. “By the Angel,” she said—an expression forbidden in the house, but she could not help herself. “You are real. Only the real Jesse could be so vexing.”
“My apologies. I suppose it’s hard for me to be sensitive to your mourning. Since I’m right here.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · Jesse Blackthorn
Eszti_TDA P>!

“Now come along, or I shall hit you with the poker."
“You won't, though," said Lucie, with confidence. Grace muttered but didn't contradict her, and together they descended the front steps at a run.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Grace Blackthorn · Lucie Herondale