Fenrys személy

Sarah J. Maas: Empire of Storms
Sarah J. Maas: Empire of Storms – Viharok birodalma
Sarah J. Maas: Kingdom of Ash
Sarah J. Maas: Kingdom of Ash – Felperzselt királyság 1-2.


Nixii P>!

A benne élő hím vergődött, Fenrys pedig vicsorogva, üvöltve feszítette az őt leszorító fekete láncot.
Az utolsó csepp akaraterejét is összeszedve nekinyomta magát, hiába szaggatta, hiába vájt belé.
Végezzen csak vele, tegye csak tönkre! Akkor sem hajlandó tovább szolgálni. Egyetlen másodpercig sem. Nem engedelmeskedik.
Nem engedelmeskedik!
És ekkor Fenrys lassan felállt.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Fenrys

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Encased in flame, Aelin walked to Fenrys. The white wolf did not stir.
Sorrow softened her face, even with that quiet distance. Sorrow, and gratitude.
Gavriel and Elide remained on Fenrys’s other side as she approached. Backed away a step. Not from fear, but to give her space in this moment of farewell.
They had to go. Lingering here, despite the miles between them and the camp, was folly. They could carry Fenrys until it was over, but … Rowan couldn’t bring himself to say it. To tell Aelin that it might not be wise to draw out this good-bye the way she needed. They had minutes, at best, to spare before they had to be on the move.
But if scouts or sentries found them, he’d make sure they didn’t get close enough to disturb her. Gavriel and Lorcan seemed to be having the same thought, their eyes meeting from across the clearing. Rowan jerked his chin toward the western tree line in silent order. They stalked for it.
Aelin knelt beside Fenrys, and her flame enveloped them both. The fire gave way to a reddish-gold aura, a shield that he knew would melt the flesh of anyone who tried to cross. It flowed and rippled around them, a bubble of coppery air, and through it, Rowan watched as she ran a hand down the wolf’s battered side. Gavriel had healed most of the wounds, but the blood remained. Aelin made long, gentle strokes over his fur, her head angled as she spoke too softly for Rowan to hear.
Slowly, painfully, Fenrys cracked open an eye. Agony filled it—agony and yet something like relief, and joy, at the sight of her bare face. And exhaustion. Such exhaustion that Rowan knew death would be a welcome embrace, a kiss from Silba herself, goddess of gentle ends. Aelin spoke again, the sound either contained or swallowed by her shield. No tears. Only that sorrow—and clarity.
A queen’s face, he realized as Lorcan and Gavriel took up spots along the glen’s border. It was a queen’s face that looked upon Fenrys.
A queen who took his massive paw in her hands, pushing back folds of fur and skin to unsheathe a curved claw. She slid it over her bare forearm, splitting skin. Leaving blood in its wake. Rowan’s breath caught. Gavriel and Lorcan whirled toward them. Aelin spoke again, and Fenrys blinked once in answer. She deemed that answer enough.
“Holy gods,” Lorcan breathed as Aelin extended her bleeding forearm to Fenrys’s mouth. “Holy rutting gods.”
For Fenrys’s loyalty, for his sacrifice, there was no greater reward she could offer. To keep him from death, there was no other way to save him. Only this. Only the blood oath.
And as Fenrys managed to lap the blood from her wound, as he swore a silent vow to their queen, blinking a few more times, Rowan’s chest became unbearably tight. Severing the blood oath to one queen had snapped his life force, his soul. Swearing the blood oath to another might very well repair that cleaving, the ancient magic binding Fenrys’s fading life to Aelin’s.
Three mouthfuls. That’s all Fenrys took before he laid his head back on the moss and closed his eyes. Aelin curled on her side next to him, flames encompassing them both.
Rowan couldn’t move. None of them moved. Aelin mouthed a short, curt word. Fenrys did not respond. She spoke again, that queen’s face unfaltering. Live. She’d use the blood oath to force him to remain on this side of life. Still Fenrys didn’t stir.
Across the bubble of flame and heat, Elide put a hand over her mouth, eyes shining bright. She’d read the word on Aelin’s lips, too. Aelin spoke a third time, teeth flashing as she gave Fenrys her first order. Live.
Rowan didn’t breathe as they waited. Long minutes passed.
Then Fenrys’s eyes cracked open. Aelin held the wolf’s gaze, nothing in her face save that grave, unyielding command. Slowly, Fenrys stirred. His paws shifted beneath him, legs straining. And he rose.
“I don’t believe it,” Lorcan whispered. “I don’t …”
But there was Fenrys, standing before their now-kneeling queen. And there was Fenrys, inclining his head, shoulders dipping with him, one paw sweeping before the other. Bowing. A ghost of a smile graced her mouth, gone before it ever took form. Aelin remained kneeling, though.
Even as Fenrys surveyed them, surprise and relief lighting his dark eyes. His gaze met Rowan’s, and Rowan smiled, bowing his head. “Welcome to the court, pup,” he said, his voice thick.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius · Fenrys
2 hozzászólás

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Aelin felnevetett, és hangja könnyedebbnek, szabadabbnak tetszett, mint bármi az utóbbi időben, majd az ébredező királyság felé fordult.
– Jobb világot ígértem mindenkinek – mondta némi hallgatás után ünnepélyesen. – Úgyhogy kezdjük azzal.
– Kezdjük a legkönnyebbel – jegyezte meg Fenrys. – Ezt már szeretem!

II. kötet, 118. fejezet, 436. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius · Fenrys

– Alapíthatunk titkos társaságot, olyanoknak, akik rosszul alszanak.
– Ha Lorcant nem hívjuk, részemről rendben.
Aelin felnevetett.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius · Fenrys

Aelin finoman legyezgetett a sebe felett.
– Hogyan védekezel?
Fenrys próbálkozott egy vállvonogatással, de nem járt sikerrel. Gavriel azonban, aki továbbra is egy nyöszörgő kalózzal ügyködött, így szólt:
– Fennhéjázással.
Aelin felhorkant, de úgy válaszolt, hogy közben nem merte levenni a szemét Fenrys sérüléséről.
– Neked tényleg van humorod, Gavriel.
A doranelle-i Oroszlán halvány mosollyal pillantott rá. Aedion felvillanó vigyorának ritkán látható, visszafogott párja. Aelin Cirmi bácsinak hívta őt, de aztán Aedion elég érthetően a
tudomására adta, hogy bánjon csínján a becenevekkel. Gavriel, becsületére legyen mondva, csak mélyet sóhajtott, nem vágott vissza. Aelin és Fenrys jelenlétében általában így reagált.
– A humorérzéke csak százévente egyszer csillan meg – hörögte Fenrys –, szóval legfeljebb abban reménykedj, hogy te is halhatatlan leszel, vagy most tapasztaltad meg utoljára.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius · Fenrys · Gavriel
Könyvmolyocska1 >!

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Gavriel’s son was bellowing Whitethorn’s name. A gods-damned victory cry. Over and over, the men taking up the call.
Then Fenrys’s voice lifted.
And Gavriel’s.
And that red-haired queen.
The Havilliard king.
On into battle, on into bloodshed, they called the prince’s name.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aedion Ashryver · Ansel · Dorian Havilliard · Fenrys · Gavriel · Rowan Whitethorn
9 hozzászólás
Nixii P>!

Nézz rám! – visszhangzott néma parancsa a véreskün keresztül Fenrys felé.
Nézz rám!
Nézz rám!
Fenrys szétmarcangolt arcából vér szivárgott, de ránézett, szeme vakon kereste az övét. És kezdett kitisztulni – még ha nagyon lassan is.
Aelin négyszer pislogott. Itt vagyok, melletted vagyok.

396. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius · Fenrys
Könyvmolyocska1 >!

„You know how cranky Fenrys gets when he doesn't eat.”
„I heared that,” called a deep male voice from the hall.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Fenrys · Gavriel
Könyvmolyocska1 >!

„So yes – my Fireheart is one flame in the sea of darkness. But she is willing to fight, Fenrys.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Fenrys · Rowan Whitethorn

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Before they could turn to say no, Rowan said to Gavriel, “If you do not fight in this war, Gavriel, then you doom your son to die.”
Gavriel froze.
Fenrys spat, “Bullshit.” Even Dorian was gaping a bit.
Rowan wondered just how pissed Aedion would be as he said, “Think on my proposal. But know that your son makes for Skull’s Bay. You may want to wait to decide until you meet him.”
“Who…” Rowan wasn’t sure Gavriel was breathing properly. The warrior’s hands were clenched so tightly the scars over his knuckles were moon white. “I have a son?”