Denise MacGregor személy

Jeaniene Frost: Karó és sírhant
Jeaniene Frost: Síri csendben
Jeaniene Frost: First Drop of Crimson
Jeaniene Frost: Sírig hű szerelmed
Jeaniene Frost: Az első vércsepp
Jeaniene Frost: Home for the Holidays
Jeaniene Frost: A sír innenső oldalán
Jeaniene Frost: Outtakes from the Grave
Jeaniene Frost: Into the Fire
Jeaniene Frost: A sírcsapda
Jeaniene Frost: A Grave Girls' Getaway



Igen, a parkban a férfi is vonzódott hozzá, de akkor félőrült
volt a vére miatt. Ha ehhez hozzávesszük a vámpírok
természetéből eredő perverziót, akkor Spádé valószínűleg
akkor is így reagált volna, ha Denise helyett egy birka lett
volna a karjában

127. oldal


She gave Spade a harder look. “You’d better be good to her.”
“Or you’ll shove something silver in me where the sun doesn’t shine?” Spade asked, grinning at Denise.
She looked away in embarrassment at the threat she’d hurled at him just this morning, but Cat nodded.
“You’ve got it, buddy.”
“And same to you with Crispin, Reaper,” Spade replied in a mild tone.
Denise stifled her snort. As if Spade’s chivalry would allow him to do anything to a woman. The harshest punishment she could imagine him dishing out to Cat would be refusing to open a door for her.


Villains of the world, beware! I can eat you under the table AND gross you out with my monster paws!

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Denise MacGregor

..she asked him about his costume.

“A cosmic black hole,” Web explained, his mouth lifting in a smile that was polite and challenging at the same time.

Something deadly and unstoppable; of course Web had chosen that to meet his potential new vampire neighbor. She supposed coming as the largest cock of the keep would have been too obvious a statement.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Denise MacGregor

“You’d better be good to her.”

“Or you’ll shove something silver in me where the sun doesn’t shine?” Spade asked, grinning at Denise.

She looked away in embarrassment at the threat she’d hurled at him just this morning, but Cat nodded.

“You’ve got it, buddy.”

“And same to you with Crispin, Reaper,” Spade replied in a mild tone.

Denise stifled her snort. As if Spade’s chivalry would allow him to do anything to a woman. The harshest punishment she could imagine him dishing out to Cat would be refusing to open a door for her.


“Ah, could you give me some privacy? I need to use the litter box.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Denise MacGregor

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

I knew he was deciding which part of her to slice off.
“Your lower leg will do,” he said, as casual as discussing which cut of steak he’d prefer for dinner.

Femur would be better, but then you’d bleed like a cut snake.”
“Your concern for the carpet is touching,” Denise muttered.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Denise MacGregor · Ian

…I know a fellow whose wife can shape-shift into an actual dragon. I ache with envy at the thought of shagging one of those.”
My jaw dropped. “You’d seriously bang a dragon?”
“Oh, for days,” he responded at once. “Can you imagine the Internet videos? I’d be a bloody legend.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Denise MacGregor · Ian · Leila

Most people, after having their necks chewed on and then seeing their fanged attacker stabbed to death, were pretty overwrought. Not poking the dead vampire with their foot and mumbling about how he hadn’t even bought her a drink before getting one of his own.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Denise MacGregor
Cintia_ P>!

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Ha őszinte lett volna, bevallja, hogy már Cat partiján, első látásra is komolyan vonzódott hozzá. Denise éppen Cattel beszélgetett, amikor váratlanul úgy érezte, hátra kell pillantania. Egy idegen állt az ajtóban, fekete hajában hópelyhekkel, átható tekintetét pedig egyenesen rá szegezte. Ahogy a férfit nézte, különös borzongás járta át a testét, mintha valami fontos lenne készülőben.