Breq személy

Ann Leckie: Ancillary Justice
Ann Leckie: Ancillary Sword
Ann Leckie: Mellékes igazság
Ann Leckie: Ancillary Mercy



“You’re insane. Or is that even possible? Aren’t all Radchaai brainwashed?”
It was a common misconception. “Only criminals, or people who aren’t functioning well, are reeducated. Nobody really cares what you think, as long as you do what you’re supposed to.”
She stared, dubious. “How do you define ‘not functioning well’?”

chapter 5

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Strigan
kte P>!

Soha nem volt másként.

434. oldal, 23. fejezet

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq
1 hozzászólás

Station couldn’t order me to leave. Strictly speaking it shouldn’t have spoken to me the way it had, not if I was, in fact, a citizen. “It can’t make you leave,” Seivarden said, echoing part of my thoughts.
“But it can express its disapproval.” Quietly. Subtly. “We do it all the time. Mostly nobody notices, except they visit another ship or station and suddenly find things inexplicably more comfortable.”
A second of silence from Seivarden, and then, “Oh.” From the sound, she was remembering her days on Justice of Toren, and the move to Sword of Nathtas.

chapter 23

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Seivarden Vendaai

Twenty minutes later Seivarden woke, brushed the black corrective off her head, and wiped fretfully at her upper lip, pausing at the flakes of dried blood that rubbed away. She looked at the two Nilters, sitting silent, side by side, on a nearby bench, studiously ignoring both her and me. Neither of them seemed to find it odd that I didn’t go to Seivarden’s side, or say anything to her. I didn’t know if she remembered why I had hit her, or even that I had. Sometimes a blow to the head affects memories of the moments leading up to it. But she must have either remembered or suspected something, because she didn’t look at me at all. After fidgeting a few minutes she rose and went to the kitchen and opened a cabinet. She stared for thirty seconds, and then got a bowl, and hard bread to put in it, and water to pour over it, and then stood, staring, waiting for it to soften, saying nothing, looking at no one.

chapter 7

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Seivarden Vendaai

“You… you ignorant nobody.” The sudden intensity of her anger had brought her close to tears again. “You think you’re better than me? You’re barely even human.” She didn’t mean because I was an ancillary. I was fairly sure she hadn’t yet realized that. She meant because I wasn’t Radchaai, and perhaps because I might have implants that were common some places outside Radch space and that would, in Radchaai eyes, compromise my humanity. “I wasn’t bred to be your servant.”
I can move very, very quickly. I was standing, and my arm halfway through its swing, before I registered my intention to move. The barest fraction of a second passed during which I could have possibly checked myself, and then it was gone, and my fist connected with Seivarden’s face, too quickly for her to even look surprised.
She dropped, falling backward onto her pallet, blood pouring from her nose, and lay unmoving.
“Is he dead?” asked Strigan, still standing in the kitchen, her voice mildly curious.
I made an ambiguous gesture. “You’re the doctor.”
She walked over to where Seivarden lay, unconscious and bleeding. Gazed down at her. “Not dead,” she pronounced. “Though I’d like to make sure the concussion doesn’t turn into anything worse.”
I gestured resignation. “It is as Amaat wills,” I said, and put on my coat and went outside to bring in food.

chapter 5

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Seivarden Vendaai · Strigan

“So why this?” I gestured carefully with my free hand, the other still under my coat, holding my gun. “You had a comfortable post on Dras Annia, patients, plenty of money, associations and reputation. Now you’re in the icy middle of nowhere, giving first aid to bov herders.”
“Personal crisis,” she said, the words carefully, deliberately pronounced.

chapter 5

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Strigan

So we have a mad warship on the other side of the Ghost Gate”
“Not mad,” I corrected. “When you’ve lost everything that matters to you, it makes perfect sense to run and hide and try to recover.”


Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Seivarden Vendaai

By the time Basnaaid arrived, I was dressed and had managed to look a bit less as though I’d just fallen off a cliff and then nearly drowned or asphyxiated.


Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Basnaaid Elming · Breq

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

“And there wasn’t anything wrong with any of it,” Raughd continued, as though I hadn’t spoken. “You know, you’re turning out to be quite the hypocrite, Fleet Captain. All this condemnation of sexual impropriety and yet you brought your pet Samirend here to amuse you while you are supposedly in full, proper mourning.” I understood now why Raughd had made such a hasty, obvious move toward me—she had thought she needed to outflank Sirix.
Sirix gave a sharp, surprised laugh. “You flatter me, Citizen Raughd. I doubt the fleet captain has ever considered me in such a light.”
“Nor you me, I’m sure,” I agreed. Sirix gestured assent, genuinely amused from what I could see. “More to the point, Citizen, this is the fourth time Citizen Queter has been interrupted. If you cannot restrain yourself, I’ll have to ask you to leave the room while she speaks.”
Raughd was on her feet the instant I finished speaking. “How dare you!” she cried. “You may be the cousin of God herself for all I care, and you may think you’re better than everyone in this system, but you don’t give orders in this house!”
“I had not thought the residents of this house would be so lacking in the most basic propriety,” I said, my voice utterly calm. “If it is not possible here for a citizen to speak without interruption, it would suit me just as well for Queter to tell her story to the magistrate elsewhere, and privately.” Just the smallest stress on privately.
Fosyf heard that stress. Looked at me. Said, “Sit down and be quiet, Raughd.” Surely she knew her daughter well enough to guess what had happened, at least the outlines of it.
Hearing her mother, Raughd went very still. She seemed not even to breathe. I remembered Kalr Five and Six listening to the servants talk, how Fosyf had said that there was time enough to grow a new heir. Wondered how often Raughd had heard that threat.


Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Fosyf Denche · Mercy of Kalr · Raugd Denche · Sirix Odela

“It never occurred to me until now how many baby lieutenants must have cried on your shoulders over the years.”
Seivarden’s tears had never wetted any of my uniform jackets, when I had been a ship. “Are you jealous?”
“I think I am,” she said. “I’d rather have cut my right arm off than shown weakness, when I was seventeen.” And when she was twenty-seven, and thirty-seven. “I regret that, now.”


Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Breq · Seivarden Vendaai