bárány állat

Karina Halle: On Every Street
M. Robinson: El Diablo (angol)
Ella Frank – Brooke Blaine: Shiver
Nína Björk Jónsdóttir – Edda Magnus: Hogyan éljünk izlandiul
Hidas Bence: És mindent betemet a hó



Az ember ember marad, mindegy, ki fogja össze őket. Ha megérezzük a lehetőségek szagát, ugrunk, akár a farkas a bárányra. Kit lehetne ezért hibáztatni? Senkit.

90. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: bárány · emberek · farkas · farkas · hibáztatás · lehetőség
judybee >!

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Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

As my pace increased, the blood thrumming through my veins was a sure sign this had the potential to turn bad—really bad if I didn’t quit now. But as I passed by a garbage can, I kicked it over, wanting the safety the silence had so far provided the little lamb to vanish, and it worked like a fucking charm.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: bárány · biztonság · bűbáj · csend · feladás · kuka · rossz · tempó · vér
judybee >!

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Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

From where I was standing, I could see the back of the young man, Jesse, as he looked up and down the now deserted street, and the thrill I got out of being alone with him, unbeknownst to him, was electrifying. It zipped along my veins and made me antsy as I stood silent and still in the inky shadows with Faolán by my side. I stroked my fingers over the top of his head in a soothing manner, making sure he stayed put as I continued to watch the man out on the curbside, as he dug in his coat pocket for his cell phone.
When he had it in hand, I found myself holding my breath in the hopes he couldn’t get service, but I doubted that would be the case, as I never had trouble myself. As it turned out, Lady Luck seemed to be on my side tonight, because he cursed loud enough that I could hear and then shoved it back in his pocket.
No battery, maybe? Oh, you poor little lamb.
Jesse flipped the collar of his jacket up then, and even though I knew I should turn around and go the fuck back inside, I waited to see what he’d do next. I glanced down at Faolán, his eyes finding mine as he waited for his next command, and when I heard the distinct sound of footsteps, I returned my attention to the street to see that Jesse had started to walk up it.
I tipped my face up against the rain and wondered why I expected it to wash away the sinful thoughts racing through my mind. This was the exact kind of thing I lived for. I was a hunter by nature. I’d known that from an early age. And as I watched Jesse head down the street, I did the one thing I’d sworn I wouldn’t do—I followed him.

judybee >!

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Of course, I knew I couldn’t do that. My love for Javier was too overpowering, and more selfishly, I thrived on his love for me. He was a killer and yet I accepted it, because to have his love and devotion was like getting the pardon of a tyrannical king. I wasn’t a lamb but he was the lion.
I just had to remember how sharp his teeth were.

judybee >!

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Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

“You’re a fucking wolf in sheep’s clothing. I can’t make you stay away from Amari, but I sure as fuck will make you hurt if you so much as upset my sister. It’s only a matter of time until she sees through you. I hope for your sake it’s sooner rather than later.”
“Is that a threat, Martinez?”
“No, motherfucker. I will put a bullet in your fucking head without blinking an eye. That’s a threat. Stay away from Sophia, and start looking at my sister like she’s the only one you really want to fuck. You claim to love Amari, then fucking show me your worth.”
His chest heaved. The air was so thick between us he stepped back and away from me. Backing down like the pussy he was.
“I love your sister. I love her more than anything. Don’t misinterpret my concern for Sophia for something that it’s not. You don’t know me, Martinez. I know who you—”
“You don’t know shit about shit.”


Az országban még ma is több bárány él, mint ember, […]

101. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: bárány