Archer személy

Jennifer L. Armentrout: Origin (angol)
Jennifer L. Armentrout: Opposition
J. L. Armentrout: Origin
J. L. Armentrout: Opposition – Ellenállás
Jennifer L. Armentrout: The Darkest Star
Jennifer L. Armentrout: The Burning Shadow – Lángoló árny
Jennifer L. Armentrout: The Brightest Night – A legfényesebb éjszaka



Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

“Anyway, let’s all play nice with one another. It would be a good change of pace.”
“Yeah, especially if one of them doesn’t end up kissing you,” Archer said.
Pulling her hair back from her face in a low ponytail, she swung an arch look at him as heat blew off me. “Did you really need to remind me of that?”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Daemon Black

„It’s not like I’m going to run up and hug him.”
His expression turned bland. “I’d sure hope not. I might get jealous.”
“You’d get jealous if she hugged a tree,” Archer tossed out.
“Maybe.” Daemon coasted to a stop in a parking space behind the car. “I’m needy like that.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Daemon Black · Katy Swartz

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts, and when my gaze swept across the room, it landed on Archer. He was grinning like a fool.
“Who could that be?” Daemon asked. “We’re all here.”
Dawson stood. “I have no idea. Let me check.”
I kept staring at Archer and my stomach tumbled. Is it?
Archer’s grin spread.
Turning toward the entryway, my breath held in my throat, and then Dawson was strolling back into the room. Behind him was someone we hadn’t seen since we’d left Montana.
Luc strolled into the room, his long-legged pace easy and fluid, and holy crap, he’d grown even taller since the last time I’d seen him. “How dare you guys have a get-together and not invite me."

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Daemon Black · Dawson Black · Katy Swartz · Luc

“We owe you a thank-you for…for everything.” I waited for Daemon to chime in. When he didn’t, I kicked his leg.
“Thank you,” Daemon muttered.
Archer’s mouth curved in amusement, and I think it was the first time I saw him really smile. I was blown away by how young it made him look. “You have no idea how gleeful that makes me feel to hear you say that, Daemon.”

Chapter 21

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Daemon Black · Katy Swartz

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Pulling out a chair, she plopped down next to Archer and shoved out her hand. “I don’t think we’ve been officially introduced.”
Archer glanced down at her slender hand, then at Daemon for the tiniest second, and then he took her hand. “We haven’t.”
Six feet and a lot of inches of alien stiffened behind me. Oh dear.
“I’m Dee Black. I’m the sister of the douchebag known as Daemon.” She smiled brightly. “But you probably already know that.”
“That he’s a douchebag or that he’s your brother?” Archer asked innocently.
“The answer is yes to both.”
I choked on my laugh.
Heat rolled off Daemon. “Am I also the brother who’s going to kick your ass if you don’t let go of my sister’s hand? The answer is yes to that, too.”

Chapter 23

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Daemon Black · Dee Black
Ninácska P>!


My eyes popped open, and the curtain slipped from my fingers, softly falling back into place. “Get out of my head.”

“I can’t help it,” Archer replied from where he sat on the couch. “You’re broadcasting your thoughts so damn loudly I feel like I need to go sit in the corner and start rocking, whispering Daemon’s name over and over again.”

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Katy Swartz

Sóhajtva emelte fel a karjait.
– Tudod, nagyon jól be tudom magam kapcsolni.
– Milyen édes! – jegyezte meg Archer a másik nyitott ajtóból.

287. oldal

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Katy Swartz

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

– Tudod mit? – Daemon előrelépett, és felnézett; én nem láttam kamerákat, de attól még bárhol lehettek. – Szabályozd ezt.
Előrelendítette a karját, a tenyeréből villám csapott ki, amely villásan kettéágazott, és a beszédes meg a csendes őr mellkasába csapódott. Összeestek, a testük felett füst kanyargott. Perzselt ruha és hús szaga csapta meg az orromat.
– Nos, ez is egy megoldás – jegyezte meg Archer szárazon.

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Archer · Daemon Black