Írói életmű

2012Tom Fletcher – Danny Jones – Harry Judd – Dougie Poynter: McFLY – Unsaid Things
2016Tom Fletcher: The Christmasaurus
Tom Fletcher: Crăciunozaurul
Tom Fletcher: Christmasaurus
Tom Fletcher: Julosaurusen
Том Флетчер: Різдвозавр
2018Giovanna Fletcher – Tom Fletcher: Eve of Man
Giovanna Fletcher – Tom Fletcher: Eve of Man – A jövő reménye
Giovanna Fletcher – Tom Fletcher: Die letzte Frau
2020Tom Fletcher: The Danger Gang

Besorolatlan könyvek

Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur That Pooped the Past
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur That Pooped A Lot!
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur That Pooped The Bed!
Tom Fletcher: Gleam
Tom Fletcher: There's a Monster in Your Book
Tom Fletcher: The Creakers
Giovanna Fletcher – Tom Fletcher: Die Rebellin
Tom Fletcher: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch
Giovanna Fletcher – Tom Fletcher: The Eve Illusion
Tom Fletcher: There's a Dragon in Your Book
Tom Fletcher: There's an Elf in Your Book
Tom Fletcher: There's an Alien in Your Book
Tom Fletcher: There's a Witch in Your Book
Tom Fletcher: There's a Superhero in Your Book
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur that Pooped a Princess!
Tom Fletcher: There's a Wolf in Your Book
Tom Fletcher: The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur that Pooped a Pirate
Tom Fletcher – Dougie Poynter: The Dinosaur that Pooped a Reindeer!
Том Флетчер: Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма
Giovanna Fletcher – Tom Fletcher: Eve of Man – Elillanó káprázat