
Kat Dunn

KatalógusnévDunn, Kat

Könyvei 3

Kat Dunn: Bitterthorn
Kat Dunn: Dangerous Remedy
Kat Dunn: Monstrous Design

Kapcsolódó sorozatok: Battalion of the Dead angol · Összes sorozat »

Népszerű idézetek

Serenity87 P>!

I was born from my mother en caul, swaddled in my unbroken amniotic sac like an insect encased in amber, and entirely apart from the world.

(első mondat)

Serenity87 P>!

Every child is beholden to the gods of their parents, and I augured their meanings from careless words and gestures, made rituals to fit around their whims, and inscribed into my heart the rules they unwittingly handed down.

4. oldal, 1. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

My mother was tidied away into her grave and my stepmother unpacked her things into her place. I found myself far from home without having travelled a metre

5. oldal, 1. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

The hurtful truth of death was that it was as mundane as a meal uneaten, a cup knocked over.

11. oldal, 2. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

She was lost to me in a hundred little griefs I found anew each year.

86. oldal, 7. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

Misery was a creeping thing, like the dew settling on grass or the cold fingers of frost meeting me in my bed at night and crackling the insides of my windows. I had longed to be left alone, to escape the lie of my family, only to discover this was different kind of poison. Slow acting, but lethal. At first it numbed me, pleasure leaching from my days like a summer leaf draining of sap to greet the autumn. Then loneliness came, a creeping oily stain that stopped me from enjoying it at all.

86. oldal, 7. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

'It makes me feel better to remember that time is so much bigger and older than I am. I am not alone because I am a part of it.' I thought of my mother, who lived only in memory. Who would never join my future. 'Our histories are still with us, if only this way.'

117. oldal, 9. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

Desire was falling off a cliff, and trusting you would not die. Desire was walking through fire and being reborn. Desire was an undoing. I was undone.

290. oldal, 20. fejezet

Serenity87 P>!

'I have always pictured myself retiring to a quiet town perhaps in the mountains. Somewhere sedate, with a garden I can tend all year round.'
Camille's eyebrow arched. 'Really?'
'No. I kill plants. It would be ill-advised.'

199. oldal - Dangerous Remedy (Zephyr, 2020)

Serenity87 P>!

Hindsight always makes us into fools. The only path open to us is to do the best we can with the knowledge we have.

315. oldal - Dangerous Remedy (Zephyr, 2020)