
G. David Nordley amerikai

1947 (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) –

Tudástár · 3 kapcsolódó alkotó

KatalógusnévNordley, G. David

Könyvei 2

G. David Nordley: After the Vikings
G. David Nordley: To Climb a Flat Mountain

Antológiák 3

David G. Hartwell – Kathryn Cramer (szerk.): The Hard SF Renaissance
Gardner Dozois (szerk.): The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fifteenth Annual Collection
Julie Nováková – Lucas K. Law – Susan Forest (szerk.): Life Beyond Us

Népszerű idézetek


People are made to come in pairs, I think, and there are times when it is comforting to be with a woman even if you do nothing but look at the stars, not even talk.

Martian Valkyrie


„We aren't old, the stars are old. We're young. We are ten million years young and it's all just beginning.” The planet shuddered in agreement, and some rocks fell in the distance. He looked up.

Morning on Mars


Kelly was trying to get a state-of-the-art exaflop cyybernetic system with full access to all the information into an Asimovian logic loop.

A life on Mars


The early morning was my silent, clean, private, magic time. Martian shortwing daygulls were soaring, cawing, looking for shellfish on the receding tide. The sun poked up over the woods on the eastern shore of the bay, a spot of brilliant yellow.

The Day of their Coming