
Becca Ritchie amerikai

1991. március 29. –

KatalógusnévRitchie, Becca

Képek 2

Könyvei 39

Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Addicted to you – Beteged vagyok
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Addicted to You
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Kiss The Sky
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Ricochet
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Damaged Like Us
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Addicted for Now
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Hothouse Flower
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Thrive
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Addicted After All
Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Fuel the Fire

Kapcsolódó sorozatok: Addicted · Addicted angol · Calloway Sisters angol · Bad Reputation Duet angol · Like Us angol · Circus Is Family angol · Wynter Chelsea angol · The Raging Ones angol · Webs We Weave angol · Összes sorozat »

Felolvasásai 1

Krista Ritchie – Becca Ritchie: Tangled Like Us

Népszerű idézetek

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It’s strange how one person can see the hidden part of you in a short amount of time that others don’t even understand in years.

Act Fifteen

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Thora James
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“What does that say, Mommy?” Moffy asks.
Lily’s eyes widen and she stumbles over her words before blurting. “Sorry we had fun on your couch.”
“Fun is really bad,” Daisy teases, her eyes little fucking watery. “It’ll eat you up and spit you out.”
Lo covers Moffy’s ears. “Brother, tell your wife not to confuse my son.”

Chapter 52 - Ryke

1 hozzászólás
lalaslibrary >!

I’m going to love Lily how I want to love her.
Overwhelmingly, uncompromisingly.

Chapyer 12 - Loren Hale

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Lily Calloway · Loren Hale (Lo)
lalaslibrary >!

He cups my face with both hands, tugging me closer to his body in a forceful, Ryke Meadows way that says listen to me, sweetheart. “I fucking love you.” Tears build in his eyes. I’m crying more, and his thumb brushes my cheeks. “All I need is you.”

Chapter 2 - Daisy

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Daisy Calloway · Ryke Meadows
lalaslibrary >!

He says affectionately, “You’re my family, Dais. And if it’s only the two of us in the end, I’d be just as fucking happy.”

Chapter 2 - Daisy

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Ryke Meadows
lalaslibrary >!

I’m an introvert at the core, and after one big group outing, I feel like I need to recharge alone for a whole week.

Chapter 57 - Willow

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Willow Hale
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“You shouldn’t look at me like that,” I tease.
“And how am I looking at you?”
“Like you love me.”
“I do fucking love you.”

Chapter 8 - Daisy

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Daisy Calloway · Ryke Meadows
lalaslibrary >!

I stroke the back of her head. “You make me forget the worst parts of life.”

Chapter 39 - Connor

Kapcsolódó szócikkek: Richard Connor Cobalt · Rose Calloway