Írói életmű

2012Amy Harmon: Slow Dance in Purgatory
Amy Harmon: Prom Night in Purgatory
Amy Harmon: Running Barefoot
Amy Harmon: Biegając boso
2013Amy Harmon: A Different Blue
Amy Harmon: Für immer Blue
Amy Harmon: Siempre blue
Amy Harmon: A Different Blue (német)
Amy Harmon: Making Faces
Amy Harmon: Sei il mio sole anche di notte
Amy Harmon: Nos faces cachées
Amy Harmon: Tersyüz
Amy Harmon: Vor uns das Leben
Amy Harmon: Arctalan szerelem
Amy Harmon: Máscaras
2014Amy Harmon: Infinity + One
Amy Harmon: Unendlich wir
Amy Harmon: The Law of Moses
Amy Harmon: Prawo Mojżesza
Amy Harmon: Unser Himmel in tausend Farben
Amy Harmon: La ley del corazón
Amy Harmon: All the Colors of my Dreams
2015Amy Harmon: The Song of David
Amy Harmon: Pieśń Dawida
Amy Harmon: Mein Himmel in deinen Händen
2016Amy Harmon: The Bird and the Sword
Amy Harmon: Bird & Sword
Amy Harmon: Słowo i miecz
Amy Harmon: The Bird and the Sword – A madár és a kard
Amy Harmon: From Sand and Ash
Amy Harmon: La frágil belleza del cristal
Amy Harmon: Homokból és hamuból
Amy Harmon: I cento colori del blu / Sei il mio sole anche di notte / Infinito + 1
2017Amy Harmon: The Queen and the Cure
Amy Harmon: Queen & Blood
Amy Harmon: Królowa i Uzdrowiciel
Amy Harmon: The Queen and the Cure – A királyné és a gyógyír
2018Amy Harmon: The Smallest Part
2019Amy Harmon: What the Wind Knows
Amy Harmon: Csak a szél tudja
Amy Harmon: The First Girl Child
2020Amy Harmon: Where the Lost Wander
2021Amy Harmon: The Songbook of Benny Lament
Amy Harmon: The Second Blind Son
2022Amy Harmon: The Unknown Beloved
Amy Harmon: Az ismeretlen kedves
2023Amy Harmon: A Girl Called Samson

Besorolatlan könyvek

Amy Harmon: The Outlaw Noble Salt