Three ​Men In a Boat 18 csillagozás

Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat

The ​book was meant to be a serious travel guide recounting a river trip from Kingston to Oxford undertaken by three young men, but Jerome's rambling anecdotes and humorous take on travellers J, Harris and George – and J's feckless fox terrier, Montmorency – turned it into something far rarer: an honest account of male friendship.

This pompous, hapless and touching trio are very familiar; in fact, reading this, it feels as if the only difference between modern and Victorian men is the latters' interest in pipe smoking. Jerome's narrative meanders through such wildly varied topics as hypochondria, tents, girls' uselessness in a boat, playing the bagpipes and making an Irish stew as his trio grumble, drink, smoke and snooze on the river. Yes, the prose quality varies, but the pleasure you derive makes up for that. It's funny and gentle.

Reading it is like spending time with a favourite uncle whose anecdotes you'd happily listen to over and over again because it makes… (tovább)

Eredeti megjelenés éve: 1889

A következő kiadói sorozatokban jelent meg: Vintage Classics Vintage · Penguin Essentials angol · Collins Classics Collins

HarperCollins, New York, 2012
256 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 9780007449439
Penguin, London, 1994
184 oldal · puhatáblás · ISBN: 0140621334
Wordsworth, Ware, 1993
184 oldal · ISBN: 1853260517

4 további kiadás

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Kívánságlistára tette 1

Kiemelt értékelések

Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat

Magyarul nem biztos, hogy ajánlanám, az angol humort csak angolul lehet igazán értékelni! Nyelvgyakorlásra viszont kiváló, egyszerű a szövege és még szórakoztató is.

18 hozzászólás
Habók P>!
Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat

Egyik első angol nyelvű könyvem volt. Elvileg megkínlódtam vele, de gyakorlatban ezt nem éreztem. Élvezet volt!

Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men In a Boat

Fogalmam se volt mit fogok találni ebben a könyvben, és hogy mire számítsak, de csak jót kaptam. Meglepően jó volt a humora, ráadásul útikönyvnek se volt rossz.
Érdekesnek találtam, hogy jó pár helyen a humor forrásának tartották az azon való elmélkedést, hogy egy-két idegesítő személyt milyen módon kellene megölni, és hogy esetleg jogos lenne-e még a családjukat is kiíratni. Ma már ez lehet nem mindenhol állná meg a helyét. De egy 100 évvel ezelőtti könyv, és lehet akkor kevésbé voltak érzékenyek az emberek, amire lehet nem is gondoltam volna, ha nem juttatja eszembe ez a könyv, szóval ilyen szempontból is el lehet tűnődni rajta.
Az illusztrációk pedig kifejezetten tetszettek, habár nem minden esetben tudtam kivenni a részleteket, habár az is igaz, hogy telefonról olvastam.

Wordsworth, Ware, 1993
184 oldal · ISBN: 1853260517

Népszerű idézetek


When Montmorency meets a cat the whole street knows about it; and there is enough bad language wasted in ten seconds to last an ordinary respectable man all his life, with care.
I do not blame the dog (contenting myself, as a rule, with merely clouting his head or throwing stones at him), because I take it that it is his nature.


Married men have wives, and don't seem to want them; and young single fellows cry out that they can't get them. Poor people who can hardly keep themselves have eight hearty children. Rich old couples, with no one to leave their money to, die childless.


Montmorency's ambition in life, is to get in the way and be sworn at. If he can squirm in anywhere where he particularly is not wanted, and be a perfect nuisance, and make people mad, and have things thrown at his head, then he feels his day has not been wasted.


It was a lovely landscape. It was idyllic, poetical, and it inspired me. I felt good and noble. I felt I didn't want to be sinful and wicked anymore. I would come and live here, and never do any more wrong, and lead a blameless, beautiful life, and have silver hair when I got old, and all that sort of thing.


How good one feels when one is full – how satisfied with ourselves and with the world! People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented; but a full stomach does the business quite as well, and is cheaper, and more easily obtained.


I thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view, what an acquisition I should be to a class! Students would have no need ‘to walk the hospitals’, if they had me. I was a hospital in myself. All they need to do would be to walk round me, and, after that, take their diploma.

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